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'Narrowing the Quality Gap' -- Roshan Paul
Well! here australians have talked of deterorating standards of India or New Zealand. Have they forgotten that they lost to a relatively young team? and when they came to india last they lost to a state side by an innings and their worst defeat this century came on their last trip playing at calcutta that too on a perfect batting wicket? I think all this victory about aussies is just exagerrated and they are as good as any other team. they can only win at home and under familiar condition and not under all conditions. I think we should stop thinking in terms that they are invincible.
Message:i think the westindies must start preparing good pitches
Message:i agree with what has been suggested here and this should be the way that cricket can grow globally and maintain its quality a very good thought i hope ICC would come forward impliment this method of cricketing which i think is the need of time...
Name:chetan dave
yes this is a good thought i almost agree with it, but i dont agree with the world cup comment as, if there are only 5 nations competing for the world cup ..it will be a 4 day affair ...and the WORLD CUP will be over..so thats something i will oppose as people come to see cricket..and if the tournament such as world cup is over by 4 days ..then the craze will not be there. Another thing is that by letting low level cricekting nations in the world cup will have only positive effect as these teams will get exposure will also feel the heat and may be who knows the next time such teams participate ...can take the world cup!!
Message:i guess that all believe that indian team is at the bottom rung of cricket's ladder,i refuse to believe so, its all BCCI' fault.
Name:Gaurav Bhattacharjee

Message:Quite nice and it seems a right solution to the poor state of cricket nowadays.Overall a very good article.
Message:I have a different view. I think ICC's concentration should be on to promote professionalism in cricket playing countries and help the nations to build strong administration to manage the game. I don't see any other country other than Australia in recent time has been extremely consistent with performance. The reason being the players play as a team, they are committed and have adopted a routine of winning. ACB ensures that cricket is promoted inside the country so there is no dearth of talent. ACB also ensures that these talents are nurtured well.
Message:So the top-level of the test playing nations proffesionalism and commitment need to be promoted. And at the grass-root level the talents need to be nurtured. A well structured cricket body can do this.
Message:Roshan you wrote
"They went on to suggest that rather than worrying about spreading the game across the globe, the ICC should instead concentrate on improving the standard of play in countries such as West Indies, India and Zimbabwe. "
Kindly clarify "standard of play"
if you find australia, england or south africa better than why don't you go over there and start sports journalism over there!
Name:Ashish Kulkarni
Message:The Australians comments about the unpreparedness of the teams they play against, is a statement that will evoke no surprise. No doubt all of them were severely lacking. But a point worth remembering is that the victories in tests came as 4 out of thier country, ( that too, against New Zealand, and Zimbabwe, hardly any opposition) and the rest were in Australia. I am not trying to take anything away from the Aussies, but the fact tremains that their record has been as such at built more at home, and not away. Let them beat India in India, and do the same with some stiff opposition, like say South Africa, only then can they speak so condescendingly about other teams.
Name:V Sathish Kumar
Message:The suggestion is clear and good. If implemented, this would certainly add quality to the way the game is played now and give lot of exposure to youngsters. Also, the relationships between teams would improve. It'll attract more people to the stadium for domestic matches too and would go a long way in building infrastructures for the game. A very good suggestion and I second it without any hesitation.
Thanks - V Sathish Kumar
Name:Mukundan K Swamy
Message:Hi there,
All fine about the observations & suggestions to improve the game quality of all test playing nations.
But wait...!
Is it not interesting to note the Aussies suggested only this after the record test victories achieved by them recently & not while they were struggling during early 90's (the period during which they were building the team for the future - as they claim).
A very simple fact is that, every team has got ups & downs & time only decides what comes when (infact it applies to all the way thro' out the life).
No doubt, they are performing exceedingly well, but it doesn't mean that they should stay there for ever.
Also, it has been quoted about the upsets in the article about World Cup matches.
But again what is the quality you are mentioning about..? Winning an ODI...?
Oh, come on this is not a Soccer type where you don't have two differrent versions. Even if it is a World Cup final encounter, it is still an ODI - where you'll smell the fragrance of the Glorius Uncertainities which is what the game all about.
But the fact lies in the team performing in a test Match. Can Aussies assure themselves, that they can remain in their winning streak on the forthcoming series in India.
Of the record breaking (& setting ofcourse) test wins, how many were from a foreign Soil - where your qiality is tested in all aspects & in real terms.
Instead of Aussies suggesting things like this, it would be appreciable if they come out with a plan of having a Designer pitch for all the tests which will behave uniform irrespective of all other factors.
(I know that if you do so, the nature of the game is lost & you'll be just commercialising the game.)
But the point is that, don't make any comment on a team which is under performing or with less potential when you are at the top, as it is not permanent to stay there.
Last but not the least, what the Indian Cricket team lacks is the killing instinct,as otherwise it is the best team to be played with for the past 10 years (or even more).
And the absence of this killer instinct is nothing to do with the quality of the game.
Name:Subhash Challa
Message:Equating Westindies, India and Zimbabwae in their test quality
is a disgrace that is uncalled for. Indian team has the guts to beat any team in the world. Haven't you been reading news papers about how much Australian team is planning to take on India ,,, The only teams left out in your list is Australia and South Africa. While I agree they are great teams treating all other teams as near zero is uncalled for.
Message:i think the team members should give nayan one more chance...he may not be popular amongst his team members may be keeping aloof,but hey does he like any one else deserve a second chance ,he is after all the best keeper we have had ,n i really think his team members should give him a second chance.everyone deserves a second chance in life ...dont u think so ?????n with the australian tour just round the corner the last thing we need is for friction to be there in the team n if nayan is selected ......so my dear indian team forgive n forget n get on with the game....keep ur friction till the hotel but after u all came to the ground show that u r united n mighty hard to beat...tough i know but worth a try what say ! ?
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