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'Embrace capitalism and prosper'
Mon Dec 2 22:02:20 2002
Name:Chanakya Kaultilya
Email: chanakya69@hotmail.com
Your Views:To a wise government, Bush and Putin are not mutually exclusive. The best of both should be seen. Both US and Russia should be made strategic partners to India. That would be the best for India. We have a lot to gain in terms of technology/training and in terms of economy boost if we keep the best of both worlds... Think strategically, the country that formed NAM could also spearhead an initiative to bring together the erstwhile enemies as euqal and strong partners. "Neither a sword, not a sheild is useful alone. A warrior knows how to make use of both equally well."
Mon Dec 2 22:10:35 2002
Email: brue1@indiatimes.com
Your Views:Looking at the current geopolitical landscape, Russia is a better ally. The other thing is that it need not be one or the other, but if it has to be we should tilt towards Russia. Russia's long term interests align well with ours while US interests are harmful to our interests. We need the US market and they need ours,we should leave our relations at that.
Tue Dec 3 01:12:14 2002
Email: cheeri_1602@yahoo.com
Your Views:BUSH. Its time we get our priorities right.
Get onto the right side of the right country. embrace capitalism and prosper.
Mon Dec 2 22:18:34 2002
Name:Raj Nahata
Email: rajnahata@hotmail.com
Your Views:The better question is : Who is a better ally : Russia or USA? George Bush is a clown.
Mon Dec 2 23:16:39 2002
Name:Abhik Ray Chaudhury
Email: araychau@rediffmail.com
Your Views:It does not matter at all who is the better ally. National interest should be the agenda. For that, we need US more than we need soviets now. Cold war is over. The world is heading for new polarisations that ask for new thinking. China has already exploited the US in a big way and look at their economic growth. If we do not take practical decisions right now, not only we will not be stronger economy, we are also sure to fall behind China and that alone will compromise our national security in a big way in future. We have to aggressively parsue economic reforms and attract foreign direct investment as much as we can. We need need this urgently to educate our mass, spend money for infrastructures and overall national development. Only the USA can help us achieve these goals at an acceptable time frame, no other country or any combination of countries can do this.
Tue Dec 3 00:17:05 2002
Name:Ramesh V
Email: jwalababu@hotmail.com
Your Views:I don't think we should go by "either or" theory but we should be able to work out our relationships with both the contries and I think it is more possible now i.e in post-cold war era than before.
Tue Dec 3 00:55:33 2002
Email: suri143_2000@yahoo.com
Your Views:putin is not better but 'the best'
Tue Dec 3 00:18:11 2002
Email: name_907@yahoo.com
Your Views:no ally system boss...get the best of both worlds
Tue Dec 3 00:22:05 2002
Email: partha@hotmail.com
Your Views:PUTIN
Tue Dec 3 00:23:11 2002
Email: sriksbs@fide.org
Your Views:How about.. both ? The alliances are not mutually exclusive, right ? To think they are mutually exclusive would be to repeat the last 50 years of Nehruvian nonsense about non-alignment. The only thing that matters is India's national interest. India should be ready to ally with the devil if that is required.
Tue Dec 3 00:24:09 2002
Name:subu reddy
Email: sreddy26@excite.com
Your Views:bush...doesnt know what to make of India. Putin is and will always remain as a ally..russia's purpose is better served with India (weapons sale). India has to stand on its own feet..Then the world will come calling. Lets start with the politicians of india. They need to do some soul searching before anything. Corruption, Poverty and Education the ones that need no precedence.
Tue Dec 3 00:24:59 2002
Name:Zacharia M Mathew
Email: iamzacharia@rediffmail.com
Your Views:The new world order doesnt give the flexibility to create enemies. We require the friendship and markets of both Putin and Bush. If we have to choose only one from the two it makes more economic sense to choose Bush.
Tue Dec 3 00:25:40 2002
Name:Madhu Rayala
Email: madhu_rayala@hotmail.com
Your Views:None. Both will give India a younger brother status. This would make India more and more dependent on them and lose its culture, values especially the ones preached by great men like Budha, Vivekananda, Gandhi etc., Like the way, India needs technology and wealth to solve many of its problems, the rest of world needs to overcome crime, depression and unlimited greed that led to two major worldwars in the last 100 years. As Globalization is at its peak, we need to train our manpower to compete and work in every field and spread our culture and values. India should treat itself as a global power rather than surrender to the political powers and harm itself. We should be a friend of both NATO and Russia as we need everyones help to solve our innumerable problems. But at the same time we got to wake up and be become bold to give a piece of advice on every global issue, whether it is Israel-Paleistina or a role in International Space Station...
Madhu Rayala
Tue Dec 3 00:26:03 2002
Name:Raj k.
Email: rajuthebest@hotmail.com
Your Views:No doubt, Putin is the best.
Tue Dec 3 00:32:18 2002
Name:Gurmit Singh
Email: mydear@glide.net.in
Your Views:India should side with Russia. In fact to stop the growing intrudance of US everywhere, China, Russia and India should join hands. US only sees its own interests. Today it might go hand in hand with India and tomorrow India will be dumped. Moreover India should stand on its own and stop looking for favorable response from western countries. Look at China for God's sake.
Tue Dec 3 00:33:40 2002
Email: made4you2003@yahoo.com
Your Views:Our relation with Russia is for REAL and that with Washington is marriage of convenience-as they call. America-the Zenith of Hipocricy, does things in a way that would benifit America and only America. After knowing fully that Pakistan is the mother of all terrorisim, they still pamper them to get their unfinished job done. They dont give a damn for the sufferings of India/Indians. My stay in US makes me believe that cold war equations are still very much prevelant in the American Psyche. We and Russia are true friends from the beginning - so I think irrespective of our warming or whatever relations with the US we are going to be good friends.
Hence in my opinion Russia is a better ally than US.
Tue Dec 3 00:34:20 2002
Email: msrc@hotmail.com
Your Views:I feel under the present circumstances,Russia has lost much of its clout /influence in the worlds Political ,social and economical spheres and to the opposite USA has become Unilateral and powerful force on the earth. Hence getting closer to USA has greater benefits to India and also there is large Indian diaspora settled in USA who could form a potential perennial link between India and USA and of course both are democracies and could easily understand each other.
Tue Dec 3 00:34:21 2002
Email: doctorrakesh@hotmail.com
Your Views:Well if we are to define better ally as one who has a mind(?) and historically has supported India the most - the answer would be Putin by default. If we define better ally as a blithering idiot who might do something good for India (and is the head of the most powerful country in the world) - my answer would be the opposite.
Just my view.
Tue Dec 3 00:35:47 2002
Name:Ajay k Gupta
Email: ajaykg@hotmail.com
Your Views:I think it's an irrelevant question. No one is expecting us to take sides. At a time when US (Bush) and Russia (Putin) are working very closely on various global issues including terrorism, our relations with the longtime friend Russia (read Putin) only strengthen our position in lobbying for stronger relations with Mr. Bush (read United States).
Tue Dec 3 00:36:59 2002
Email: bsshivaprasad@hotmail.com
Your Views:George Bush
Tue Dec 3 00:37:01 2002
Email: sreedus@hotmail.com
Your Views:Putin
Tue Dec 3 00:38:05 2002
Name:Rajiv Shorey
Email: shoreyr@huttoncom.com
Your Views:None of them. India should just focus on making itself economically stronger and politically stable.
The rest will follow.
Tue Dec 3 00:39:29 2002
Name:Jayant Mehta
Email: jayant.us@att.net
Your Views:Editor,
My answer is NONE. Unless India's politicians clearly set the agenda of what is in India's interest and what is not, we will be just a statistic at the UN and other decision making fora.
Tue Dec 3 00:42:32 2002
Email: ram@netscape.net
Your Views:Mr. Putin without doubt.
Tue Dec 3 00:44:23 2002
Name:Vikrant Kapoor
Email: vikrant_kapoor123@rediffmail.com
Your Views:First of all you have to distinguish whether the choice is between Bush and Putin or between America and Russia. If it's the former I will go for the wiser one Putin(because here we have to choose between a wise and well manerred man and a foolish, stubborn, adamant maniac )but if the choice is between the later pair I'll go for the stronger of the two that is America.
Tue Dec 3 00:44:57 2002
Email: ikkr@rediff.com
Your Views:I think Russia had been always a good friend to India. We should always have good relations with Russia working at the same time for better relationship with US.
Tue Dec 3 00:47:37 2002
Email: xzv@yahoo.com
Your Views:ofcourse....putin...
Tue Dec 3 00:49:00 2002
Email: klpraju@yahoo.com
Your Views:
Russia (Putin) should be our true friend and diplomatically India should be friendly with America(Bush)
Tue Dec 3 00:50:50 2002
Email: Mx@Mx.com
Your Views:Its better to have an intelligent enemy than a dumb friend... Its funny god said the meek will inherit the earth.. right now it looks like the dumb will inherit it. Putin anyday.
Tue Dec 3 00:51:25 2002
Name:anand verma
Email: ananddeep@hotmail.com
Your Views:Putin- Russia is a time tested ally
Tue Dec 3 00:51:50 2002
Email: sbav29@hotmail.com
Your Views:Putin.
Tue Dec 3 00:51:54 2002
Name:Jay Nitturkar
Email: jaywant1@msn.com
Your Views:Why Either/Or? We need to be close to be both as Putin himself is close to US as thier views on war on terrorism are very close
Tue Dec 3 00:52:06 2002
Name:Rama Raju. Dutta
Email: dbsraju@hotmail.com
Your Views:India should never choose which country is best to have friendship with, it should have good friendship with every country. We should commit to the basic principle of "Non-Alignment" while maintaining good and meaningful friendship with every country, including USA and Russia. If India has to choose one, then I think it is important to consider the following things.. 1) Who is natural Ally ? Being Democratic, Multi-ethnic, USA is a better ally. 2) Who is our major business partner (trade), USA. 3) Who stood up for India during critical times, Russia. So, its 2:1. I some how feel that the third point was the way it is due to the mis-administration of the Indian Govt's. Did we not had some tilt towards USSR and the socialism concepts during Nehru and other subsequent prime ministers (Probably there was some consensus on this issue to have a tilt towards USSR in the country, so I don't think it is a Political issue between Congress or Janata party)? If we were towards USA in those days, probably there was no need for USA to look for an ally in Pakistan.
So, now it is time for India to look for its own interests when it comes to any decision on any matter with any country.
Tue Dec 3 00:53:03 2002
Name:Sanita Mohan
Email: sangitamohan@dangerous-minds.com
Your Views: Putin is definitely a better
ally of India than Bush. Bush is just cozying up with
India for his phony war on Iraq and his war on
Tue Dec 3 00:53:59 2002
Email: rapalr@yahoo.com
Your Views:Undoubtedly Putin is a better ally.
The US can never be trusted except when one's interests are totally aligned with theirs. Hence it is foolhardy to even question who is a better ally for India. No US President can be a better ally than his or her Russian counterpart in sofar as India is concerned. This has been proved over the last several decades.........
Tue Dec 3 00:54:06 2002
Email: xchecx@yahoo.com
Your Views:Is that even a question? Russia has been a reliable ally for ages ... so that is the known angel. However, the interests of US and India seem to be converging in the recent past ... with this view, it should be good to have a cooperative relationship ... though, never a dependent one.
Tue Dec 3 00:55:06 2002
Email: ven@india.com
Your Views:Both... India needs support from both to fight terrorism and other issues and be a good democratic country in the world.
Tue Dec 3 00:56:56 2002
Email: agarwal_avinash@yahoo.com
Your Views:Though Putin is more reliable, Bush being president of USA, is the more powerful, and hence desirable in the short term.I think India needs both Bush & Putin.Bush might give up or ditch India on slightest pretext,but Putin ( Russia) is a time-tested ally.
Tue Dec 3 00:58:45 2002
Email: sneha_patel23@hotmail.com
Your Views:Allies are only good insofar as they can provide us with what we need. Bush has more, ergo he can give more. It is up to India's leadership to figure out what Musharraf figured out a long time ago - i.e. how to extract favors from the Bush administration. Once they learn that, it's easy sailing because Russia can't hold a candle to the wealth and power of the USA.
Tue Dec 3 00:59:00 2002
Name:gurinder singh
Email: gurinder@telusplanet.net
Your Views:Putin. without any doubt because usa will never trust India. and Bush a mo-----
Tue Dec 3 00:59:56 2002
Email: sdpramki@hotmail.com
Your Views:Though I live in a foreign country my passion for my country is very strong. I always feel Russia is the trustable ally and time tested. That opinion is because Russia feels India as an ally and supports it's political motives and relationship is time tested. Where as US does not feel so, except in the words they say and knows that we get carried away with such sayings. Even while US establishes military contacts with India, ditching will follow in the crucial time of need which we have not learnt from the world history because it happened to some other countries. Where as the same with Russia will never happen. I really wish Russian economy and Indian economy boosts up to balance the world. I dont fancy a future cold war, but balance in power will be good for the world justice. I leave the examples for my arguements upto the readers to guess and learn from the world events. I feel Russia can be a good mediator in world disputes and with US I dont see that role because this country was always biased. But their show goes on in the real world because of being powerful economically and militarily.
Tue Dec 3 01:01:20 2002
Name:Dale srinvas
Email: vijay28us@yahoo.com
Your Views:At present situation George W Bush , cos he is cleaning the world.
Tue Dec 3 01:02:53 2002
Email: naraksab@rediffmail.com
Your Views:Putin is better than bush to make ally.
1. We have long term relations with Russia and it should be kept.
2. Having good relation with Russia may help us w.r.t big enemy china.
3. Pakistan can be pressured by means of Russia on the Border.
Tue Dec 3 01:02:56 2002
Email: sanvenkat@hotmail.com
Your Views:We shouldn't care if it is Bush or Putin. As long as these relationships serve the betterment of our people's living standards and serves our country's interest (not the politician's interests) either or in fact both of them are good. Bottom line must be "what do we gain out of these allies?"
Tue Dec 3 01:03:05 2002
Email: balac@nnov.cityline.ru
Your Views:long live indo-russia friendship.russia is our trusted friend but india should show russia that india is a great ,ancient and democratic country and technologically advanced and we can sell technilogy to them also.
Tue Dec 3 01:06:22 2002
Name:Ramesh J Menon
Email: rameshjmenon@yahoo.com
Your Views: In this world, no one is your ally. Everyone has to look out for themselves. However, it would be wise for India, to be an ally of both USA and Russia.
The USA will stick up for you only if they see the greens ($$$$), but Russia, may not stick up for you, because she simply cannot afford to.
India, with a billion people, should be the one whose alliance other countries are vying for.
India should be firm, and strong, and the allies will come.
Tue Dec 3 01:08:44 2002
Email: mail@nomail.com
Your Views:Russia is a better ally.
Tue Dec 3 01:09:20 2002
Name:Rama Yanegalla
Email: rama_2020@hotmail.com
Your Views:Even Putin is lining up with Bush. Writing is clear on the wall. Bush is better ally for India
Tue Dec 3 01:10:53 2002
Email: nileshwar_mecher@rediff.com
Your Views:Rusia is India's older partner and since India's independence both nations had a solid ties in every aspects or fields. Despite this long term and solid partnership,India didn't gain as much as it had gained in the last decade.After Russian union broke it merely have remained like an ineffective power with lesser global importance in comparison to the other world power like U.S.Despite this major upheavels Russia can still be a more faithful and better ally for India in a long run.As we had seen in the recent scenario,George Bush's role could not be seen with a much clarity when it comes to India-Pakistani border conflicts.So it might take more time to assimilate this relationship with the US.In current perspective Putin can still be a good and faithful ally for India and for it's interest.But it's also true that the relation with US could not be denied as India has a it's strategic interest with US.
Tue Dec 3 01:12:00 2002
Name:Prashant Parekh
Email: pp14298@yahoo.com
Your Views:Putin has obviously stood the test of time. But he is naturally upset about India coming close to US. One need to realise in this context that history shows that US has only USED countries or leaders to advance their own interests. And then DUMPED them. Look at Saddam, one time ally of US in 1980s, or Mujaheedins, not so long back, US allies. India has to decide where ITS interest lies. I think Putin is a better choice, a time tested friend!
Tue Dec 3 01:13:08 2002
Email: subas11@hotmail.com
Your Views:As in future America is going to dominate world space in all fields, It is our need to have good and working relationship with US though we know that america can ditch us any time. Russia is always a trusted friend of india and we have to and should maintain that trust.
Surely in longer term russia will be stronger country with efforts of putin. So putin is long term trusted allies while bush is long term relative. Both are needed, one in trouble while other to stay out of trouble.
Tue Dec 3 01:13:49 2002
Email: rchinni@utdallas.edu
Your Views:I don't term ally based on individual, as a country i feel that Russia is gonna help India in time of war especially with its big time neighbor. Russia really cares about friendship and US ??????? I'm not sure.
Tue Dec 3 01:14:06 2002
Name:Lakshmana Bangaru
Email: laksbangaru@yahoo.com
Your Views:BOTH
Tue Dec 3 01:14:12 2002
Name:Lakshmana Bangaru
Email: laksbangaru@yahoo.com
Your Views:BOTH
Tue Dec 3 01:14:23 2002
Name:Lakshmana Bangaru
Email: laksbangaru@yahoo.com
Your Views:BOTH
Tue Dec 3 01:14:30 2002
Name:Abou Baker
Email: aboubakerm@hotmail.com
Your Views:Putin. He is more reliable.
Tue Dec 3 01:14:33 2002
Name:Abou Baker
Email: aboubakerm@hotmail.com
Your Views:Putin. He is more reliable.
Tue Dec 3 01:14:42 2002
Email: b@c.com
Your Views:d
Tue Dec 3 01:15:13 2002
Email: patelcb@rediffmail.com
Your Views:Putin
Tue Dec 3 01:16:23 2002
Email: id241@yahoo.com
Your Views:Putin is anytime better than the cowboy (Bush). America has been playing double game with india since 9/11. It gives a rat's ass for india's concern for terrorism. Americans top priority is "AMERICA" and second priority is "AMERICA" and third is "AMERICA". There is as much as bad than it has good in the american system. So lets take good qualities of America and make friendship with Russia because they atleast has some concern for India.
Tue Dec 3 01:16:35 2002
Email: x@rediff.com
Your Views:x
Tue Dec 3 01:16:39 2002
Email: r_max9@yahoo.com
Your Views:I think India should ally with Russia. Russia has always been there for India and it is better to trust old friends than to trust 'uncertain' friends.
Tue Dec 3 01:19:39 2002
Name:Des Khurana
Email: info@mercury-frankfurt.de
Your Views:Russia will always and at any time be a better ally than USA.Like all capitalists, USA is an opportunist casting away allies after the purpose is served. Their dalliance with Pakistan when the latter is bleeding us in Kashmir, is nauseating. However, you cannot ignore USA which is economically and millitarily the only super power left.Trade with them is necessary for our economic development. OUr Govt. is aware of it but has no choice.The current statement of Vajpayee characterising Putin as a trusted friend is intended to make Bush sit and brood.
Tue Dec 3 01:20:03 2002
Email: Indian@india.com
Your Views:no doubt, its always Russia is our ally
Tue Dec 3 01:20:11 2002
Name:Vladimir Putin
Email: Jagveer@hotmail.com
Your Views:we love russians
Tue Dec 3 01:21:29 2002
Email: drkart77@yahoo.com
Your Views:Both. We need U.S and Russia as our allies.In post cold war startegies this is a important step.Especially getting U.S would be hard task bcos of Pakistan but with right matters on the table I think we can do it.Both their support is required to meet the challenges of the new emerging superpower - CHINA.Above all we need political analyst who can vision the future to be able to carve our agenda for the decades to come.
Tue Dec 3 01:22:45 2002
Email: gautamsinh@yahoo.com
Your Views:Well Putin is time tested ally, but then Bush has shown warmth for us. We can be non-aligned in one sense and aligned to both in other.
Tue Dec 3 01:23:05 2002
Email: gjambuli@yahoo.com
Your Views:Putin is a better choice than Bush. We should never beleive or rely on the double standards of America. It is very risky for India to be an ally of America.
Tue Dec 3 01:24:47 2002
Email: manasa16@hotmail.com
Your Views:Obviously Putin. America is very tactical. India should play tactically with America. Where as Russia has been a real friend of India for a long time. So India should be real friend of Russia.
Tue Dec 3 01:25:19 2002
Name:Shankaran Narayanan
Email: shanks@dr.com
Your Views:Neither.
In a world where even superpowers cater to only their needs and turn blind if it suits them, it is time India learnt to be self reliant in every way. It may be hard, but we can fulfil our dreams. The PR machine in the country has broken down and India seems like begging for someone to listen to her, when all she needs to do is take a stand and stick to it. We need a overhaul in the way every Indian thinks. And it is time.
Vande Maataram.
Tue Dec 3 01:25:20 2002
Email: jchaphekar@nerscape.com
Your Views:
Tue Dec 3 01:26:58 2002
Email: veerappan@indya.com
Your Views:i think it is better to go with putin just cause he has got some grey matter in his head. i dont think that bush knows who is the prime minister of india if it comes to that case.
But, on the other hand, what is the need for us to lobby with only one side. Is it not possible for us to be friends with both of them.
Tue Dec 3 01:27:00 2002
Email: machiraj@rediffmail.com
Your Views:ok..here's the deal.
putin is the ex-chief of KGB.
and mr.bush is ex-managing partner of Texas Rangers.
mr.bush doesn't know where india is on the world map.
putin knows in and out of india...no kidding!
u choose who is a better ally!?
Tue Dec 3 01:30:24 2002
Email: bio 2ooo@aol.com
Your Views:putin
Tue Dec 3 01:32:05 2002
Email: mvenkitesw@yahoo.com
Your Views:Bush for sure
Tue Dec 3 01:34:20 2002
Email: srikar747@hotmail.com
Your Views:None. Both have their agendas to pursue vis-avis India. As the largest democracy, and possibly the biggest qualified English speaking population, Bush (US) needs Indians for the American economy. Likewise, Russia needs Indian expertise in various areas of governance of a mixed economy. So both would try their best to woo India. History is replete with false promises made by US and Russia to India on many issues like Kashmir to say the least. At heart is the American policy of domination in South Asia.
The Russians need a warm water port maybe in the Arabia Sea or Indian Ocean. With a history of a tilt to India, it seems to be an ally but that is a farce. Two impoverished nations cannot do much.
Wisdom lies in charting our own course rather than look to these clowns to be our allies, as none would really like to solve our issues and dilemmas.
Tue Dec 3 01:37:03 2002
Email: visala31@yahoo.com
Your Views:There are no permanent allies as U.S.A has always demonstrated. At this time, Putin can be a better ally as we have similar views on several important things: role of Pakistan in terrorism, war on Iraq. At the same time, we can not ignore Bush as US is the sole superpower and we need it to contain Pakistan. We should use Russia to further our goals but without alienating U.S.A. In other words, whoever helps us to meet our goals should be our ally. At this time, we should use Russia to send a message to U.S.A. that India will do whatever it takes to remove terrorism from its soil even if Pakistan is their "current" ally.
Tue Dec 3 01:38:21 2002
Email: vj_iupui@yahoo.com
Your Views:Putin
Tue Dec 3 01:38:27 2002
Email: sprasad@rbf.com
Your Views:White race is an opportunist race. Terrorism stareted 60 years ago when Allah killed millions of Hindus to partition India. White race gladly accepted and welcomed The prostitute country Pakistan.USA is the keeper of terrorism. Pakistan is the mother, Saudi Arabia is the father and China is the cheer leader of Terrorists. America will have no problem sleeping with Devil himself for money and honey.
Tue Dec 3 01:40:22 2002
Email: ArunS@hotmail.com
Your Views:How many times has Bush come India? where as Putin will be coming the second time. He(Bush) will come during the lame-duck session(Last days of presidency) by which time he would have visited all the poor nations of the world. I think we had a nice taste of American diplomacy during last 1 year and realised how low a country can go just for the sake of self-interest. Infact Russia was the only country that provided us with weapons even during the crises. Also not forget the sanctions imposed on us were not removed out of good will but out of self-interest and remember when it comes to export of hi-tech goods(supercomputer) we just above North Korea, Iraq & Cuba and in line with Pak., China & Russia even though we have been a democracy for 50 years.
Tue Dec 3 01:43:40 2002
Name:Sudhanshu Mittal
Email: smittal1970@hotmail.com
Your Views:Well, I think that classifying Bush or Putin as better ally is a folly in the extreme and shows a mentality that is wrapped in cold war psyche. In today's world when formar iron curtain countries are joining NATO and Russia itself is just one step from being a full-fledged member, there is no question of if-else. Both can be ally of India and should be. The Indian foreign policy should be based on pragmatism and not on emotions. When it comes to buying weapons, India can buy from Russia with the factor of safety that there will not be any sanctions in case of military conflict. When it comes to economic investment, that will be coming primarily from US and not Russia. India needs to be with both and try to stay clear of conflict areas between US and Russia. Let's understand it clearly - US is not going to really help India in containing Pakistan. That support can come only from Russia, albiet indirectly.
In the nutshell, it is meaningless think in the terms of Bush or Putin. India needs to be pal with both and that is the way it should go.
Tue Dec 3 01:46:01 2002
Email: shahul00@hotmail.com
Your Views:Certainly both are not better allies.Instead India should try to make good realationship with its neighbours both Pakistan and China.If our neighbour also understand this mutual interest Our region will be the Superpower.We dont need either Bush or Putin .
Tue Dec 3 01:49:49 2002
Name:asheesh kumar
Email: ashugroovyboy@yahoo.com
Your Views:Mr. putin is the best choice for indian politics.russia has pay respect and co-operation many times, whenever it require to india.
where as american is playing a game between india and pak.
Tue Dec 3 01:53:54 2002
Email: Ram@com.com
Your Views:Definitely Putin. After all Soviets helped us since 1947 when US and others were showing their back to India..
Tue Dec 3 01:56:48 2002
Email: mm@yahoo.com
Your Views:Putin
Tue Dec 3 01:57:45 2002
Name:Ramanuj Prasad
Email: ramanuj_P@hotmail.com
Your Views:Very stupid question. International friendship should be based on the country own self interest.
Tue Dec 3 02:00:22 2002
Name:sumanth Kumar
Email: sumanth_kumar@yahoo.com
Your Views:No Doubt .. Putin is the strongest ally for India. Russia wont play cunning games with any country. A great Country with a strong leader 'Putin'..
"Mera Bharath Mahan"
Tue Dec 3 02:00:46 2002
Email: vj@myweb.com
Your Views:Obviously, Russia is always our better ally. It's been our ally and I hope it will be. You can never trust these Americans; they always protect their interests. Russians never changed sides. Russians always supported us. The only problem, if we have, is that Russia is not as strong as it used to be. That's why we are going after Americans. I think our leaders started to adopt a very good strategy of engaging Americans, finally!
Tue Dec 3 02:02:14 2002
Email: kkj@yahoo.com
Your Views:jhgg
Tue Dec 3 02:02:26 2002
Email: kkj@yahoo.com
Your Views:jhgg
Tue Dec 3 02:04:19 2002
Email: abcd@yahoo.com
Your Views:Putin,
More Reliable......Old frnds are the best always..
Tue Dec 3 02:06:19 2002
Email: duesp@yahoo.com
Your Views:Russian administration is more trusted than US administration. In my opinion, Russians have always had fair and clear views about global perspective and in particular with India.
When India performed nuclear tests, Russians advocated india's national security intrest rather than condemning like US administration.
US admin always expect something if they have to announce india as their ally.
Look at what happend when 9/11 incidents happened. They know that pakistan supports terrorism, they need pakistan support in combating with taliban, they were supporting them. Although US admin is ignorant of Pakistan madrassas.
So, I guess Russian admin is trustworthy.
Tue Dec 3 02:06:29 2002
Name:Sharda Devi
Email: shardangan@cs.com
Your Views:Russia and Putin for political support and understanding of India and her needs.Russia has always stood by India since 1950s unlike USA who is fair weather friend and treats India at par with Pakistan at every step.Today Pakistan would not be so daring in her export of terrorism and so willing to start a nuclear war if US was not supporting the regime.Inspite of their knowledge of what ISI is and its doings,US refrains from pulling up Pakistan.Inspite of the sham democracy in Pakistan,she gets praises from the State Dept.US and India have more in common but it does not reflect the mutual relationship very much.
Tue Dec 3 02:06:30 2002
Email: anandmahajani@rediffmail.com
Your Views:India has always found a good friend in Russia, be it pre cold-war era or after the colaps of Soviet empire. India, under BJP government, is trying to make friends with USA. Unfortunately, US is seen to be ignoring India's friendly gestures, and continues to be more friendly with Pakistan.
It is not to say that, Bush cannot be India's good ally, but sadly Mr. Bush has chosen not to be. It is still in the best interest of India to put its bet on Russia while still continuing to build a bridge with Washington.
Equally interesting would be, ofcourse only if Pakistan responds positively, to restore relation with our neighbour, as both India and Pakistan, could focus their energy, resources, and money in areas other than defence. Both the coutries are spending undue amount of resourses onlin in aticipation that the other would attack.
Sadly the "big" powers are playing both India and Pakistan and not let the development of the region take priority.
Not to be biased against India or Pakistan, but it appears that US/Chiana want to bleed India through Pakistan.
Tue Dec 3 02:07:58 2002
Email: r@yahoo.com
Your Views:George Bush
Tue Dec 3 02:11:04 2002
Name:Uday Sathe
Email: uvs_99@yahoo.com
Your Views:Answer is obvious, Vladimir Putin, i.e. Russia.A little look into the History will prove it. It is the only country in the World which accepts J&K as integral part of India. It never imposed any sanctions on India.It is the country who sees & accepts the terrorism from Pak as fact.
It always supported us in International fora such as UN etc.
Tue Dec 3 02:15:52 2002
Email: bhas@yahoo.co.uk
Your Views:Its putin the best and Russia is the better ally for india. Bush is opportunistic, how can he ask us to restrain on attacking militant camps in POK(we are not attacking pakistan) and he attacks training camps in afghanistan and say its war on terror.US is been known for its opportunistic alliances unlike russia whic is our old friend and understand our requirements.
Tue Dec 3 02:20:15 2002
Name:Suresh Sankula
Email: sureshsankula@yahoo.com
Your Views:Simply because they (Russians) are with us during tough times.
Tue Dec 3 02:20:22 2002
Name:Raj Kolli
Email: rajkolli@yahoo.com
Your Views:Putin, Russia is a true partner and better allay to trust.
Tue Dec 3 02:20:34 2002
Email: gs92@msstate.edu
Your Views:Putin and a hundred times Putin; Bush is a monkey who has been given the big banana by fate and his father and a rather dumb florida election commissioner.
Tue Dec 3 02:25:04 2002
Email: aloksee@hotmail.com
Your Views:Russia a loyal woman.
US a pretty woman and a popular woman.
Take your pick.
Tue Dec 3 02:25:16 2002
Email: tnambakkam@netscape.com
Your Views:russians have been our longtime ally.americanshave come in as a new ally=their double standard for terrorist fighting is a refection on their dependability
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