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'Bush is words, Putin is action'
Tue Dec 3 02:25:58 2002
Name:Prabhu Gopalan
Email: prabhugopalan@yahoo.com
Your Views:Obviously its Putin/Russia. We cannot change our friendship for our convenience. On the otherhand maintaining relationship with US will in noway affect our existing reln with Russia and both these countries coming more closer now-a-days.
Tue Dec 3 06:51:20 2002
Name:Sanjay A
Email: sanjay_a@hotmail.com
Your Views:President Bush is words, while President Putin is action. Together they can be a strong combination. India needs to ally with both, as long as her national interests are fulfilled. Russia is an old friend of India and USA is a natural ally of India. We need good relations with both and thanks to the end of the cold war this is now easily possible. US is working closely with Russia on a lot of important issues and India needs to work with both on all the important issues. India-Russia-US can form a fomidable alliance against the terrorist network as well as cooperate on geo-strategic and military applications for maintaining peace on this planet.
Tue Dec 3 02:27:41 2002
Name:Srinath Kadaba
Email: skadaba02@rediffmail.com
Your Views:No body can be a true ally of India except India itself. Everyone else is an oppurtunist.
Tue Dec 3 02:30:06 2002
Name:colonel j singh rao
Email: ricorp@aol.com
Your Views:Putin is a dependable individual. He is more capable and does not come across as a vindictive and narrow minded person as does Bush.
Tue Dec 3 02:31:32 2002
Name:Suhaib Khan
Email: skhan@faicorp.com
Your Views:In current, circumstances definitely Washington, but in long run I think Russia is still better ally for India. Today USA is the most selfish country, they want to do everything, but when other countries try to do same thing they will try to stop you. Like they have all kinds of Nuclear and Bio weapons but if today India wants to have them they will try to stop it, luckily our country is in a position to take its own decision without getting bothered by them.
Tue Dec 3 02:31:44 2002
Email: hs20k@yahoo.com
Your Views:We are not in the cold war era any more. I believe we need to have strong relatives both the nations to move forward in this 21th century.
Tue Dec 3 02:32:30 2002
Email: airkoolman@yahoo.com
Your Views:I think no one is an ally of India. In this geo-political world, countries like India have to take care of themselves and be pragmatic to gain from the relationship. Having said that, India should maintain better relationshiop with its neighbours and make SAARC a union like European Union or ASEAN. Since India is major country of SAARC, making SAARC a stronger and economically viable will not only benefit India but also its neighbours.
Tue Dec 3 02:35:39 2002
Name:Jitendra Joshi
Email: jeet_z@hotmail.com
Your Views: This issue can best be answered by carefully studying the track record of Russians and others while supporting India.
The instantaneous short sighted approach would lead to wrong answers.
1. Russia is the one who has stood in the best interests of India even when India chose to be non-aligned and most Importantly Democratic.
2. Russians are NOT shown the approach of US vs. THEM, our side or enemy side for the devel;oping nations when it was super power.
3. Russia never gave support to those who helped divide India based on religion.
4. No russian president was an anti India, as president Nixon !!
5. Russians never used pakistan to restrain India like others did. Russians never played a zero sum south asian policy.
7. Russians learned their lessons on advantages of democracy and open economy in their failed experiment of socialism and closed economies. The important thing is, they learned from it and changed themselves. This is encouraging that they are adaptive and not rigid people.
I would certainly say, Russia remains the better ally for India.
India should develop good relations with George Bush's United States as well. It won't hurt if US realizes India's true value.
Tue Dec 3 02:36:12 2002
Email: vp@vahoo.com
Your Views:Putin
Tue Dec 3 02:37:28 2002
Name:Arjun Anand
Email: arjun_tv@rediffmail.com
Your Views:Obviously Putin is a better ally to India though not monetarily but ethically. Bush is a top class Opportunist who will be ready to do anyhthing to keep his power and money. I can tell this confidently that if Sep 11th would'nt have occured ,he would have sold his weapons to Pakistan to maintain tension and (maintain business)in India. India would have been made a scapegoat just like Iraq which he is using for winning his Elections.He would'nt mind a million people die to win his Power back. Russia has always been a faithful ally with India and being friends with them not only gives up a powerful support but a reliable one too.
Tue Dec 3 02:38:12 2002
Email: cool@yahoo.com
Your Views:India should look to diversifying its trade instead of just targetting the US. Diversified trading partners will allow India a degree of economic freedom making it less prone to arm tiwisting on issues of self interest if they conflict with the US. US has tacitly promoted Pakistan's continued interference in India first under the garb of Cold War and now as a guise for saving its most trusted ally in the US battle against terrorism. As long as western nations define terrorism only as white christian people killed by a non-white, alternative economic partners are imperative to secure our interest. Russia is key not as a market for our products but as a source of advanced military products and to give us leverage in the Security Council. We can only impact Russia's vote in the Security Council if they have very strong interest in a symbiotic relationship with us. I do not forsee a future where US would support us in the UN on issues of border conflicts with China or Pakistan. At best we should promote a policy of pragamatism with the US, where we do what makes economic sense . With Russia our economic interest can take a back seat for strategic reasons at times.
Tue Dec 3 02:39:55 2002
Email: kj1977@rediffmail.com
Your Views:While maintaining strong ties with Moscow, the government should maintain soft ties with Washington too. No one shall be ignored at the cost of others. Anytime, regional co operation with the regional gaints like Russia and China leads to a better stability which leads to a better economical development. Remember, Washington changes allies as it feels is necessary. We shall strike a balance if we need to grow.
Tue Dec 3 02:40:59 2002
Name:Ajay Sood
Email: sood@lucent.com
Your Views:I think Bush is the best bet. I think India has already paid heavily by being away from USA in the past.
Tue Dec 3 02:43:02 2002
Email: udeo@yahoo.com
Your Views:U don't need to do black and white or binary all the time. We can be friends with both countries. We should capitalize on 'War on terrorism' (the US term), create space for new friends like US and continue our long lasting friendship with Russia. Both countries are trying to throw out the evils of terrorism and we are trying the same for last 15/20 yrs. So it's a natural friendship.
Tue Dec 3 02:50:59 2002
Email: luhar15@yahoo.com
Your Views:Its not a question of one or the other. I don't think India can talk in terms of allies. The US will look only at its own interest as evident vis-a-vis their attitude to Pakistan. Russia is too engrossed in its internal problems to be of any help to India. The correct view would be to 'engage' both countries. India has a unique advantage in this regard. We are ideologically closer to the US and can sell ourselves as the best long term friend of the US in this region. Of course with the current mood of the Bush administration we will have to be pliant to some of their concerns, like Iraq. But as long as its does not concern us directly why fight about it? However if we make concessions then we should demand the americans do the same with respect to us like supporting India for a permanent seat in the United Nations, economic relations, etc. With Russia we can use the 'long time bhai-bhai' approach, and extract whatever we can from them (like support for the UN seat and most importantly guarantees that they don't supply arms or armament technology to Pakistan or China). While the above may seem opportunistic, that is how the world moves. Maximise your self interest!
Tue Dec 3 02:51:23 2002
Name:Sudip Datta
Email: sudip_dat@yahoo.com
Your Views:Putin..Barring the fact that US always looks at an ally with business interests (which anyway would happen considering the IT talent of Indians), we Indians anyway love to see a Democrat in the White house.
Tue Dec 3 02:54:22 2002
Email: vinnu_zepooh@rediffmail.com
Your Views:without any doubt it is putin. america for all its postures of being friendly to new delhi, still supports and helps pakistan, which is the ring leader in exporting terrorism in the indian subcontinent. and anyway, the long time friendship of Russia cannot be easily forgotten.
Tue Dec 3 02:57:42 2002
Name:Mukesh Rathor
Email: nottaken1@hotmail.com
Your Views:On ethical and moral grounds, definitely Putin or Russia wins. But we live in an interesting world where every country for itself, so in my opinion, US will take us farther than Russia in terms of national growth.
Tue Dec 3 02:58:12 2002
Name:Thameem Ansari
Email: thameem_ansari@yahoo.com
Your Views:Putin seems to be a good and attractive leader who can really help India in economy as well as in technology. Bush is a dual faced man who is giving his hands to india but his other hand is shaking with Pervis(!).
Putin and his decision making skills are very much needed to India than Bush's.
American leader not really looking for world peace instead he wants to fight with countries which don't have equal power.
Tue Dec 3 02:59:41 2002
Your Views:PUTIN
Tue Dec 3 03:16:25 2002
Name:Prafull Srivastava
Email: praf@rediffmail.com
Your Views:I think Bush and Putin both are a good ally of India. They are trying to fight against the terror but they should choose the proper allies for that. Bush is taking help of Pakistan. That's nice, but india need to follow professional approach and prove its strength so that nobody in the world can ignore india and we are on our way.
Tue Dec 3 03:17:53 2002
Name:Srinivas Aluri
Email: cnuga@hotmail.com
Your Views:During the Bangaldesh War, US and Pakistan tried to have a resolution passedin the UN security council, which was unfavourable to India. Our friends the Russians vetoed the bill a total of 7 times. That is what is called friendship. Americans are only interseted in themselves and we cannot trust them.
Tue Dec 3 03:22:52 2002
Email: prasad@yahoo.com
Your Views:Neither.
Bush is a true Republican, who will put his parties and its supporters interest before national and even man kind' interest. Point in case being the Alaska oil drilling controversy. Bush is also not a dependable ally for India since he shows total disregard to the evidence presented to the state dept by US intelligence agency and also by India proving Islamabad to be not only a strong supporter of terror against India but also being a selective enforcer of the war against terrorism. Bush will continue to turn a blind eye to all the misdemeanours of his ally Musharraf and will ensure his survival as the President.
Putin, though the President of India's traditional friend and supporter finds himself far less powerful than the leaders of the Soviet cold war era. Russia's clout in world affairs had tremendously declined and is heavily dependent on being in the good books of the US (read IMF and World Bank) to weather its economic downturn. Putin also has his hands full with all the trouble in Chechnia. The bad press he got in international press after the strong arm tactics employed during the Moscow siege will also prevent him from giving India the support it needs.
Tue Dec 3 03:23:43 2002
Email: punyala@hotmail.com
Your Views:putin
Tue Dec 3 03:24:58 2002
Name:Sudhir Dubey
Email: sud175@hotmail.com
Your Views:Putin.... can't bet our horse on bush he is to self centered and gives a damn for india
Tue Dec 3 03:28:03 2002
Email: rkotta@bechtel.com
Your Views:In a way both are friends and in another way nobody is your friend. Always self interest is your best friend.
Tue Dec 3 03:28:29 2002
Name:Krishna Kurpad
Email: kurpad@tamu.edu
Your Views:While building new bridges, we should not burn the old. While improving relations with the US, we should keep our relations with Russia intact. This, I think, is much easier to do in the post cold war era.
Tue Dec 3 03:29:30 2002
Name:K. George
Email: pluralist@rediffmail.com
Your Views:Putin would be the better man for India.
Russia was always a strong political and trade ally for India. Though the state is passing through a transition phase, there is immense goodwill from the past that can be used to build a good relationship.
In contrast, US was never really concerned about Indian positions. Even after tangible evidence of Pakistan support for terrorism in Kashmir, it chose Pakistan as the major ally in the fight against Al-Qaeda. US foreign policies has generally been short sighted in nature. George Bush has shown no particular interest in the issues of the subcontinent after assuming power and the odds are against him taking any active interest in the future.
Also the vast oil reserves in the Central Asian republics where Russia is a major presence will aid us in reducing our dependence on the rather 'volatile' Middle Esat oil .
Tue Dec 3 03:40:28 2002
Email: write_raj@hotmail.com
Your Views:India should play the game right. The strategy should be to use the Russians and Americans like a true opportunist -- appear to be friends to both but follow your own agenda with both. The balancing act is important. Use America for economics and geo-political moves, use russia for military strength. If someone can play this game right ( who would it be tho ? ) India can sit pretty -- even above China in the international arena.
Tue Dec 3 03:47:11 2002
Email: surya_desaraju@yahoo.com
Your Views:Bush is nothing but a villian. Russians have been more understanding and have been traditional allies.
Tue Dec 3 03:56:57 2002
Email: no_email@id.com
Your Views:Why not both? Well, if India has to make headway in this century then there is no better ally than Washington. But this doesn't mean we have cross our old ally. We need helping hands from both countries. We need Russia's continued help in Rocket technologies and Metallurgy. But, if we want ourselves restrict to petty Kashmir/Pakistan politics like condemning/issuing warnings then we can rely on Putin - as log as Chechenya is an issue to Russia.
Tue Dec 3 04:11:06 2002
Email: pranab@hotmail.com
Your Views:Bush
Tue Dec 3 04:11:19 2002
Name:Mohit Kumar
Email: kesari143@rediffmail.com
Your Views:Since the end of cold war, I beleive US and Russia have normalised their relations, so we should maintain good relations with both the countries. Russia is our natural ally while we need US diplomatic, economic and political support especially during this period of time when Terrorism and Economy are the main subjects.
Tue Dec 3 04:13:52 2002
Name:for putin
Email: forputin@rediffmail.com
Your Views:Common American are really aware of India, Indians and their ability. But not the Bush who was not even able to give a guess on Indian Prime ministers name when asked in an Interview. Bush does not have a Policy on Kashmir and also not aware of the seriousness. All his think tank does is, to destablise the indian economy and try to find a balance by sponsering Pakistan so that India wont become a power like china in the region. So it better to be with our good old buddy than finding a new friend.
Tue Dec 3 04:17:06 2002
Email: kpatel92@hotmail.com
Your Views:Putin. he speaks the truth about pakistan.I think mr bush taking personal revenge.he is misleading the american people.
Tue Dec 3 04:18:14 2002
Email: mnyam@hotmail.com
Your Views:It is not a zero sum game. India should work with both countries as allies. Bottom line is to protect India's interests irrespective of who the other party/country is.
Tue Dec 3 04:22:50 2002
Email: klmdev99@yahoo.com
Your Views:Russia has been our traditional ally and I think they would continue to be our best supporters in times of need and distress. The US on the other hand are more oppurtunistic. They are now trying to be nice to India because we are now emerging as a real super power .The US would be having a lot to gain from India. Russians were with us when they were a superpower and still are helping india with arms and in all possible way militarily. Russia support India when it comes to India and Pakistan, wheras US is undecided whom to support because they want both India's and pakistan's support.They are hesitant to call "a Spade a Spade". It is better to have a less rich ally who is for you than to have a rich ally who you are not sure when they would ditch you.
Tue Dec 3 04:26:42 2002
Email: adfl2000@yahoo.com
Your Views:Putin
Tue Dec 3 04:37:39 2002
Email: prasrash@rediffmail.com
Your Views:rushia
Tue Dec 3 04:57:25 2002
Email: pbangal@yahoo.com
Your Views:Definitely Putin. The US is untrustworthy, and a fair-weather friend. Moreover, the US lawmakers have alove-affair with Pakistan which is against our national interests. Russia on the other side has always supported us through thick and thin. We have a history of exemplary friendship with them. The US will never, ever consider good ties with India on the lines of the relationship we have with Russia.
Tue Dec 3 05:57:31 2002
Email: murali@b2binternet.co.kr
Your Views:This question never arises as Russia is always our friend independent of the leaders. US has a problem of jealousy with India and it can never become our ally. This is the sole reason why US always try to back Pakisthan.
Tue Dec 3 05:59:30 2002
Email: dnlsrinivas@rediffmail.com
Your Views:Every country is opportunistic these days. It really does not make a difference whether it is Putin or Bush. But based on our history we Indians mostly favour Putin.
Tue Dec 3 05:59:54 2002
Email: sankar_np@yahoo.com
Your Views:Neither of them are going to be a strong ally of India since ultimately they are going to look after their own welfare and will not hesitate in giving short strife to India.
We should not antagonize either of them and at the same time not get too close either. Ultimately we need to care only about our benefit.
It is time India started managing her own mess better, from terrorism in Kashmir to terrorism of the Hindutva type in Gujarat.
Tue Dec 3 06:02:36 2002
Email: g0pi@rediffmail.com
Your Views:Well obviously Bush has not shown any inclination of getting pally with India beyond their selfish requirements. Russia has in most cases stood by India even though they are not as much of a power as the US is. But India should play it safe and give Putin equal importance. Since we do not deseperately need to make a choice between the two, it would be best to keep both parties happy.
Tue Dec 3 06:05:51 2002
Email: vikas@vikaszz.net
Your Views:Trust! such an important word! I'd say trust Russia all the time and do with US what the US does with the rest of the world. Use them to get our jobs done. They want to end terrorism, propogate that Pakistan is a terrorist state etc etc. Russia is one India's most natural and strongest ally. According to me, we should never ignore them just to be nice to the big brother. Yes we should become an ally but not at the cost of Russia. Peace!
Tue Dec 3 06:08:35 2002
Name:prakash r vippa
Email: vippas@hotmail.com
Your Views:Ek se badh kar Ek hai...
Tue Dec 3 06:10:18 2002
Email: bobbykris@hotmail.com
Your Views:Bush or us goverment policy changes there colours as per there need.Russia or Putin will always stay by India eventhough there economy is not that good
Tue Dec 3 06:14:04 2002
Email: siddharthdas1@rediffmail.com
Your Views:Putin is the better ally
Tue Dec 3 06:19:22 2002
Email: guruprasanth@rediffmail.com
Your Views:i think putin is a natural ally for india than bush.Vajpayee have to take a leaf out of putin in handling terrorism.Bush can not be a natural ally as terrorist comming from pakistan are trained by U.S funds.At the same time we can't ignore U.S.
U.S is playing to pakisthan's hand as it wants to weaker india so that it does't emerge as super power.Nextly we have to continue our ties with isreal and russia(who r crucial in fighting terrorism).
Tue Dec 3 06:22:06 2002
Email: rvijayann@vsnl.com
Your Views:Putin is the better President whom we should tie up with.A clear example of his anti terrorists policy put in action is proof of his genuine motives to crush terrorism.Bush on the onther hand promotes and shelters terrrorists. According to Bush terrorists are those people against his intrests and ideals.
Putin is straight forward and dosent mince words,he is clear about his objectives and expresses in clear terms how he wishes to achive them.
Just look at Bush.Why didnt he choose India as the base for a war against Afganistan.Why was the sanctions lifted against Pakistan in record time?Why doest he declare Pakistan a terrorist state though he well knows their Nuclear weapons are smuggled from China? It proves he is hell bent on breaking India by hook or crook.
Tue Dec 3 06:24:40 2002
Email: s@yahoo.com
Your Views:putin
Tue Dec 3 06:25:20 2002
Email: sekar_sing@hotmail.com
Your Views:There is no doubt US is not moving closer to India in all aspect, but beyond all these closeness, Russia is always India's trusted partner, so there is always a difference between partner and trusted partner, hope everybody can understand this. Long Live India.So to my opinion Putin is trusted partner and Bush is friend of India.
Tue Dec 3 06:30:44 2002
Email: ram@rediff.com
Your Views:for americans their interests are more important than anything else. russia is relatively better
Tue Dec 3 06:33:00 2002
Email: jp@rediff.com
Your Views:Bush of course!!!!!!!!!!!
Tue Dec 3 06:33:26 2002
Name:Raghu Chilakamarri
Email: raghu2121@rediffmail.com
Your Views:I would prefer India going for stronger ties with Russia as we can never trust Bush or for that matter any of the american presidents ... as they are all very objective oriented towards therir relationship with India . However we must carefully tread in the present conditions
Tue Dec 3 06:35:38 2002
Email: rranna@yahoo.co.in
Your Views:putin as he is more trustable than any american especially the pres.
he is strict and handled the theatre cricis as well as any one could in the circumstances. bush on the other hand is 2 faced,bigoted against india,partial to pakistan,and an american to the core being close to pakistan india can only be a second best friend. also as regards trade it is well known that usa has always been very conveniently choosy regarding indian exports see clothing for example.we can only be "wrong" with bush and he will always be "right" even if he nukes us as was seen with iraq?
Tue Dec 3 06:36:54 2002
Email: kranrj@hotmail.com
Your Views:My foot.. Both are equally bad..Best Ally is china
Tue Dec 3 06:41:52 2002
Email: india@indya.com
Your Views:pakistan
Tue Dec 3 06:47:18 2002
Name:Nadella Madan
Email: nadellamadan@lycos.com
Your Views:Putin is more ally than bush. MR.Putiin had killed their own men in order protect their country. Bush made world suffer for Twin tower bombing. Mr Bush wants show his coutnry pride they r rich but wants show he is capable.
Tue Dec 3 06:47:33 2002
Email: ishbinsando@rediffmail.com
Your Views:Russia is a better ally than US, which is still in the cold war age, equating(countering) with Pakistan. In any case Putin backs our view point
Tue Dec 3 06:52:31 2002
Name:Amit Sharma
Email: amitsh@hotmail.com
Your Views:I think that washington is the friend of none. It might be that Putin can serve well for India.
Tue Dec 3 06:53:15 2002
Email: rajkumar55_2000@yahoo.com
Your Views:Bush is the best ally..for India.. Russia always supports india.. on the other hand US is always trying to be a big brother of the world..and US is fearing India will be become a super power and for that reason they are trying to help pakistan.
Tue Dec 3 06:55:37 2002
Email: emailravichandran@rediffmail.com
Your Views:I think Russia is our strong and friendly ally. No use depending on Americans for anything. They don't have any respect for other countries and they never do anything without a selfish motive. Russia has always beena good friend of India. Lets give a warm welcome to Mr. Putin and let us give him the fun of riding an elephant.
Tue Dec 3 07:01:07 2002
Email: adhikansh@hotmail.com
Your Views:putin is a much better adminstrator than bush cause putin doesn't side with his friends if they something like what pakistan is upto putin asks the other country to stop this immediatly
Tue Dec 3 07:01:17 2002
Email: karthik215@rediffmail.com
Your Views:Russia is no longer a strong
country. And we should join
hands with only the strongest.
Hence my choice for better
ally for India, is obviously
United states of America.
Tue Dec 3 07:08:42 2002
Email: vik@vik.com
Your Views:Bush is opportunistic and represents American policy of short term self interest.
Russia has over the years proved itself to be an ally of India for better or worse.
Based on track record Russia is a better ally.
US is at best a pragmatic friend of convenience.
Tue Dec 3 07:11:28 2002
Name:Vasantha Kumar
Email: srvkumar@yahoo.com
Your Views:US is a better ally.
Tue Dec 3 07:11:38 2002
Name:Aseem Anand
Email: aned4000@yahoo.com
Your Views:Putin is Definitely the best ally that India can trust. America has never been or will ever be a trustworthy ally for India or any developing country.
Tue Dec 3 07:11:58 2002
Name:Rajasekar Yaralagadda
Email: yarala@hotmail.com
Your Views:Both are not better ally for India, India should stop licking around both of the these guys, its time for India to Start to be more self-reliant, when we want arms sure these dogs will sell to India it doesn't matter, all they want is money back they have given in different sanctions.
So these guys will make India unstable. We should Make money out of it in different ways. We should have better trade ties with these guys like Free Trade Agreements. But our politician are such dumb Arseholes never care about things like this and fit throw statements like street rowdies "let there be a fourth war" Don't talk, show in Action.
Tue Dec 3 07:12:20 2002
Name:santosh mathews
Email: santyews@rediffmail.com
Your Views:russia is indeed a better ally than the united states.russia has been a strong ally of india for decades.even after the fall of the soviet union the russians have been supporting us in all spheres.economically they may have shrunk,but they come to indias rescue in all international meets and functions.the bjp government has blindly followed behind the americans without any benefits.the americans have used us for their purposes and we are now snubbed and isolated in lot of instances.all though americans are pressing for a dialogue between pakistan and india over kashmir,their hearts still remains with pakistan.the foreign policy of russia has been stable and india plays a very important part.allthough india had been drifting towards america,the russians had remained a mute spectator not showing their displeasure.one should always remember that if soviet union was still existing ,americans would have never wagged their tail
Tue Dec 3 07:14:20 2002
Name:vladimir putin
Email: syed132@hotmail.com
Your Views:i think putin is better
Tue Dec 3 07:15:35 2002
Name:raghavendran nagarajan
Email: rakhithegreat@yahoo.com
Your Views:how the hell can bush be considered as an ally of india, when hes supporting the same regime in pakisthan that is exporting terrorism to india.
it is only russia that has always been our long standing ally and will continue being so in the future too.
god knows what would have happened to our country if not russia intervened by sending submarines in the indian ocean during the '71 war.
Tue Dec 3 07:17:04 2002
Email: chan@abc.com
Your Views:Dam sure Putin? Bush was man hunter?
Tue Dec 3 07:19:24 2002
Email: mikirex@rediff.com
Your Views:history has witness lot of times, that america has never been able to do any thing solid, to share view of india ,whether it is a kashmir issue,or,cross border terrorism,but obbessed with its own short term gains . india should explore opportunity for better ties with Russia and make a discreet decision to choose a long term friend with same
Tue Dec 3 07:20:51 2002
Name:N.G. Subramaniam
Email: subbusai@vsnl.com
Your Views:Mr. Putin is always a safe bet for India, as from our experience, we can't trust America, whoever is at the helm. It is the Yankee's nature that once his ends are achieved, he would even dump his closest friend.
Tue Dec 3 07:23:10 2002
Email: srinath@myrealbox.com
Your Views:100 % putin
i wouldnt vote to deal with a crazy person....
and moreover russia has been our ally for a long time in all circumstances ...
Tue Dec 3 07:29:20 2002
Name:Chi Shoe
Email: chirag_shukla@rediffmail.com
Your Views:I sicerely think that Putin is a much better ally than Bush as Bush and the White House have continually followed the economic sanctions laid on India after the testing of nuclear weapons at Pokhran. On the other had, Russia is not a lot better as an ally, but has supported the Indian government through difficult times by signing arms deals and selling weapons despite the sanctions and pressure from the international community.
Tue Dec 3 07:36:19 2002
Email: sekher@earthlink.net
Your Views:Russia has been a trusted ally of India for almost 40 years. USA has had a track record of supporting nations when it suited US interests and dumping them when their usefulness is over. Secondly America proclaims that it is the standard bearer of democracy. In reality they have consistently supported dictatorships in the past and are conmtinuing to do so now all in the name of self-interests.
Russia has provided us with arms and equipment to defend India. US has more often than not slapped embargoes on India.
I think India should futher strengthen its ties with Russia.
Tue Dec 3 07:36:20 2002
Email: email@yahoo.com
Your Views:Putin of course. He understands that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are the sources of terrorism, while Bush continues to view the Pakis and Saudis as allies. Talk about avoiding the problem.
Tue Dec 3 07:36:32 2002
Email: ravichandra_rc@hotmail.com
Your Views:Heart says Putin, i guess thats due to the past.
Common sense says Bush, cos we have to accept that the World is Uni-polar and will remain so for quite sometime.
In the final analysis, India should go for Bush as that may help in the future. With Russia I dont think they will ever dominate/wield any power like they used to until late 80s.
Tue Dec 3 07:37:51 2002
Name:Anoop K. Sharma
Email: an00pdenim@aol.com
Your Views:Of course a better ally for India would be the US? Reality is that Russia has always been a Trusted ally and will contiune to be so. Whereas the US apart for Israel cannot be a trusted ally to anyone. It's a pity, but India as of date needs America and the latter knows it but showa no respect to it's democratic counter part.
Tue Dec 3 07:45:18 2002
Name:Srikant Sunkara
Email: srikant@yahoo.com
Your Views:Both are good allies for India. Russia is a long time friend who we can trust both militarily as well as politically.
US is a better business partner rather than military partner. Both countries are democracies with the same ideas.
Tue Dec 3 07:46:45 2002
Name:Karthik Srinivasan
Email: iyerkarthik@rediffmail.com
Your Views:I guess, India should try to develop a closer relationship with USA. Though Russia is a stronger military power and has been traditionally closer to India, it doesn't have a strong economics to help in any war and other development. America has all the power and money to make any country bend its back or develop any country.
Its not a question of who will be a better ally to India. Its a question of, with whom India should develop stronger relationship so that we can make use of that for our safety and development.Also, with a closer relationship with USA, all the other western powers namely UK, Canada, Australia,France and Germany will also try to toe its tail.
Moreover, if we lean towards Russia, then Pakistan wouldn't lose time going to USA. And USA is a much more terribly enemy than a friend.
Thus it is always advantages to have a good relationship with both Russia and USA but in the final analysis India should make ways to be closer to USA.
Tue Dec 3 07:48:02 2002
Email: adutah@rediffmail.com
Your Views:Hi,
Considering the present scenario, new allies and alliances are being formed. USA is our new ally, and we can rely on USA considering a long-term strategy and interests for our country.
But, not to forget that Russia has been our traditional partner and a long-time friend who has always helped us at the time of difficulty, (be it problems with pakistan, punjab problem etc....). India needs help from both the countries. But India should never forget that "Make new friends, but don't forget old, New is silver but OLD IS GOLD."
Tue Dec 3 07:50:18 2002
Name:Lim Gopinath
Email: limgopinath@rediffmail.com
Your Views:In my view Russia would be better for us Indians. US always have these double standards. With Russia its WYSWYG-What you see is what you get. US and UK as we all know knows that India if left alone with out any problem should grow (despite the disgusting caste system, malicious political system, and north-south-east-west segregation, and "such" political leaders cand...) to a well not a super power but a better state which is not in the interest of the West. So Russia is best for us.
Tue Dec 3 07:55:58 2002
Email: snakeboat@rediffmail.com
Your Views:Russia is better long term partner. American put short term commercial interests first and are driven by these interests. They therefore don't believe in long term relationships to begin in trade and consolidation through political and military interests
Tue Dec 3 07:56:33 2002
Name:Col. P. K. Vasudeva
Email: pran@glide.net.in
Your Views:Russia though helped India at every juncture during 1965, 1971 wars, yet it has not been able to stop Pak tertrorism, whereas Pak has gained tremendously due to US better Economic stremngth. Even Russia is dependent on US for economic growth.
Tue Dec 3 07:56:34 2002
Your Views:PUTIN
Tue Dec 3 07:57:04 2002
Email: buchut@hotmail.com
Your Views:Neither. Unless India starts shedding her spineless acts and cowardly attitudes and "soft-state" / "cry-baby" images , neither can help. Neither of them is going to do India's dirty laundry.
Have you posted your views?