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India is 'missing a dictator'
Mon Sep 30 16:46:09 2002
Your Views:it's about time we did something on the lines of what the US did to Afgan after 9/11
Mon Sep 30 16:48:51 2002
Your Views:SOFT...I wud term us Indian POLITICIANS and not Fello Indians as S hameless O nes who often F ail T he Country...I mean first the Kargil intrusion, then Parliament Attack , now this. May be India time and again defers decisive action since we have such a huge population to lose rather reduce. Wud this be the attitude had any of these ministers and politicians lost thier family members in any of these attacks. I guess the very fact that we won our freedom thru non-violence and by getting beaten up is the cause. For the British could wud get fed up of beating indian freedom activists that he wud give in to our demands. We shud have won our freedom thru wars revolutions like US,France . I just hope that one day..some where in that near future..Indians are rid of these spineless leaders and find for themselves ones who have a spine !! , respect for the nation from the heart and not from the mouth and all the more ones who hit back when hit and embrace when embraced.
Jai hind ..I just wish Subashji was alive to carry out his plans ...
Mon Sep 30 17:07:03 2002
Your Views:
'Ahimsa' is used by the politicians as an escape route rather than addressing
the spreading terror. I suppose India is "missing a dictator". What is the point in being the biggest democracy if you cannot protect your citizens?
Mon Sep 30 16:50:19 2002
Your Views:Yes we are totally a nation of Cowards , a nation which makes empty noises and hands out empty threats . But as our wise politicians say , we have to analyse and address the root cause of this emptiness. For me , our cowardice stems from our doctoriine of non involvement and secularism ,in short sitting on fence for the two most important factors that shape a nation.
India is full of hindus and hinduism according to me is a dead religion. It has stopped evolving and anything that does not evolve dies a slow agonising death. Thats what is happening to hinduism and people who follow it. They have no purpose, sense of direction or belonging towards their religion . Just cause they are born hindus they live like hindus. On the other hand Islam and Chirstianity are much more aggresive and evolving religions.People want to be associated with these religions and wnat to be associated proudly. They want to live and die for it . Indian populace is lacking this. Thats what makes us cowards of the first degree. we always were cowards and always will be. thats in our blood . so long live secularism ,long live non alignment and long live india and long live hinduism and long live cowardice.
Mon Sep 30 16:50:19 2002
Your Views:Yes..we are indeed a nation of cowards..Pak has attacked us from LOC, attacked our Parliament, now our sacred temple..what more do we want..do we want them to blast a bomb each under the arses of our so called rulers..all of them have lived their lives and are old and senile..we r young and we have to live peacefully..for that if we have to blast Pak do that..we are with it
Mon Sep 30 16:50:45 2002
Your Views:Yes we need a war.
Mon Sep 30 16:53:18 2002
Your Views:Yes as Aseem said, its a nation of cowards, Aseem doesnt even gave his real Email ID. He is what he said. He lives upto what is expected out of his nation.
Mon Sep 30 16:53:42 2002
Your Views:From the mouth of George Washington "The only way to stop war is to be prepared for war".I don't think pakistan would've ever survived if war had taken place between India and Pak.Yes it's right they've nothing to loose so they are trying to put india into the same path.But enough is enough.Go and Crush the pakistan and let the future to remember "Once there was a country called Pakistan".Yes follow the America 'Countries are meant for condemnation'.Now the time has come to teach the lesson to Pakistan.There should be only one aim 'Dethrone the government of Pakistan and establish yr own government'
Mon Sep 30 16:54:19 2002
Your Views:This **cking pakistan we should go launch attak on them and destroy the **cking country o bullsheets what our leaders are doing is another part o this bullsheet come on go hang the **cking pak
Mon Sep 30 16:59:56 2002
Name:Deepak Mawandia
Your Views:The Gandhi lead style of freedom has converted us into a nation of cowards...What right does the current lot of politicians (the Congress included) have to call themselve leaders if the cannot gurantee the protection of the citizens???We have got used to taking things lying down...we are a nation..lead by a bunch of cowards...led more by the interest of western nations than by those of India....
Cry beloved country....cry...
Mon Sep 30 17:00:22 2002
Your Views:india has always been a soft state...i expected BJP that it would prepare a very good foreign policy of dealing with the militancy...India must remain calm at present in view of the Akshardham temple attack...not make every country to suggest us to not to retaliate...
wait for 2-3 months...make a good strategy for striking terrorist camps in PoK...decimate the camps within 2-3 days...come back quietly and announce to the world that they have been carried out and not a single civilian has been injured...thats it...for every attack the terrorists make...they will always think ten times...
Mon Sep 30 17:01:07 2002
Your Views:We only talk, & will continue to get this treat.What happened to the rana niti,& will not tolerate anymore bla bla bla??
The coalition Govts. have failed badly since 1992.Think of a change.
Mon Sep 30 17:02:28 2002
Your Views:Everybody admits we are soft and then blames the leadership and the politians.What the indiviual has contributed himself to the cause of the nation ?Did he/she ever visited any diseased family of a soldier to provide some sort of consolation ?Or fo that matter any other kind of contribution to the nation.A nation is not soft because of its leadership only .Each indivisual has a contribution in making india soft.A change in the attitude in each one of us should change that.we must contribute in our capacity to the vision of Mr abdul Kalam to make our strong enough so that our country get affected by the partisan and selfish attitube of the big bullies of the world.
Mon Sep 30 17:02:31 2002
Your Views:we are called a soft state just because we are able to take grief, pain more than a small state like pakistan.
one must understand that for a counrty like pakistan to be known worldwide, the only raison d'etre is figthing with india. one way to be noticed by the world. otherwise they would be a country like ghana or some other nondescript country.
I believe, as a country, we are not a soft state. Yes, we look like one because of the pathetic politics played by our politicians. some of them who should be forcefully retired from politics. We need is a young, educated progressive leader. Sadly, i don't see one into the distant future. It looks very sinister and bizaare to know that some of our young dynamic leaders like scindia, pilot, and the one from Telegu desam passed away, untimely.
well, a country like ours can bring forth more progressive leaders who do not use historic fueds to their advantage
Mon Sep 30 17:02:31 2002
Your Views:If there is Noble prize instituted for restraint, India will win it every year. It appaears that Indian Government has really worn Bangles. It prefers to talk restraint, even when a few men from a small neighboring country come create panic at our parliament, religious places.
Is the government waiting to give the International community more proof about's pak "napak" ideas and actions.
wake up politicians if you really love your motherland, and destroy the extremists for ever. forget the world community. they can't do anything else but pat on your back for restraint.
Mon Sep 30 17:04:41 2002
Your Views:When US says Iraq might be involved in training Al qaeda,are Indian Diplomats sleeping instead of briging out that fact that Pak is creator of Taleban/AlQuaeda and what?Is Iraq more safe heavan than Pak?Iraq is not sending directly militants in Saudi or iran or quwaith. Pak is most active militant nation on the planet with out democratic leadership ,run by corrupt general who will flee to US/UK once the military rule ends.
US/UK should take leadership roles and give India its share of legitimate security back up.
Mon Sep 30 17:04:54 2002
Name:Isac James
Your Views:Hmm we might be /might not be a soft state but we are for sure a powerless one. Powerless not bcoz we dont have a strong army. But all our strngths negated by our worthless politicians and more importantly the ignorant or lazy citizen who does nothing about it. Our nuclear bomb merely negated our superiority as now we cannot attack pak for fear of nuclear war. Not that I advacate war! Our Hindu extremists may be worse than the muslim militants. Their lack of tolerence is pathetic. Admittedly pak muslims might not be much tolerzant themselves. But the fact thats y we are a soveriegn country, and we should be proud of it. Our tolerence should disarm the militant. Our gandhian values should subdue the reaction to violence. Peace and let us be brothers.....
Mon Sep 30 17:05:39 2002
Name:Krishna Subramanian
Your Views:We should go to war against Pakistan, immediately. We have clear and incriminating
evidence of their hand in all acts of terrorism. Previously it was happening
only along the borders and in kashmir, slowly it has crept deep
in to our country's innards, of which akshardham is the latest. And it is hightime we stop stop consulting listening to US about what we should do and what we shouldn't. What ever US says is laced with hypocisy and double standards aimed at furthering their own end.
Let not our leaders indulge in mere words and retoric, the only thing that an Indian will be satisfied with is war and victory against Pakistan. Let us defeat and annex Pakistan, because once Pakistan is annexed and subsumed into India , we will not have to deal with them in the future. Let Greater India from Kandahar to Kanyakumari be formed again.
Mon Sep 30 17:06:30 2002
Name:Zahir Abbas
Your Views:Yes we are a bunch of losers.There is no point getting angry on pakistan.We have to first make ourselves stronger.Look at the Political leadreship of this country.All are abunch of currupt rascals.They have looted our country ater the Britishers.We neeed a strong and honest leader at the top.Also to defeat the terrorists we need honest and law abiding youth,which sadly we are not.Koof at our civil values and moral degradations..its shamefull..we keep shouting at pakistan..always...it pakistan the best country to benchmarks..cant we be like Malaysia?..We can be strong state and no country..leave alone Pakistan..can harm us..if only we have a strong leader and a strong youth force...no hindutya party can do it..and no secular party can do it..India has to live with its 15 Crs Muslims and Crores of Dalist and Crs of Upper Castes..its our destiny..and only when we unite and show a strong face..countries like Pakistan will run for cover..we must unite internaly..Jai Hind!
Mon Sep 30 17:08:38 2002
Email:zamir khan2@rediffmail.com
Your Views:First of all we must unite in all the front as an Indian.
Then I am sure nothing can stand in front of us.
Mon Sep 30 17:08:51 2002
Name:Ajay Singh
Your Views:We the Great Nation i.e India just carry the right blend mind for terror problems of World. We have the right blend of political thought which will be just right for whole world for accepting India as 'Global Leader for taking all humanity towards peace and progress. So i do not agree with this thought that we are soft state.Also no one this earth be it like Hitler can eventually kill a particular race of human as every body is needed in this world for functioning of a particular thought process.So we must not get excited with the Pak,and it will be better we just ignore the pak and move towards Global association with like minded nations for consolidation of our human thought. And inthe end pak will get in thier own developed problems.
So india the Great Nation must continue with it's eye on world acceptability as Global Leader ship.
Mon Sep 30 17:12:35 2002
Your Views:We will just keep singing the song "Hum honge kamiyaab...." and says "mera Bharath mahaan.." since from 1947 But we wont work for it. Before killing enemies, first kill the enemies in India they are politicians
Mon Sep 30 17:12:58 2002
Name:Abhijit Neogy
Your Views:I think we are. I mean, even patience has its limits. Beyond a point, patience is just a facade for cowardice.
We have practised enough patience with Pakistan and now its time to act.
And when I say act, war is an option that definitely comes to mind. But that should be our last option because its easu to talk about war sitting in the comforts of our homes, but the soldiers who actually go out there and face the enemy bullets and their families are fully aware of the horrors of war. War cannot be a solution in itself. Diplomatic and other efforts should go on simultaneously. But we have to teach Pakistan the lesson of its life so that the murder of thousands of innocent Indians can be avenged, if not anything else.
Loving peace is a virtue but the world calls you a coward if you continue to witness the slaughter of your countrymen and still are impotent to do anything about it.
Besides, we ultimately to speak the one language that the enemy understands- war and we shall win because truth is on our side.Strategically, we have made mistakes in the past thanks to people like Nehru but this time lets march on and integrate Pakistn with India to create 'Akhand Bharat'once again.
Mon Sep 30 17:13:49 2002
Your Views:We are as soft as Sophia Loren's Breasts !!! Shameful
Mon Sep 30 17:16:11 2002
Your Views:common guys ! War is not the solution. We can tackel it in other ways too. We should fight a economic war. USA will support pakistan because they are great players of double game. If at all there is a war both of us are going to die. let the government address to the basic necessaities such as eradicating poverty employement
Mon Sep 30 17:16:39 2002
Your Views:NO.
It's not easy as many are suggesting. What are our options? Go & drop bombs on our neieghbour? Pakistan is starting to match us militarily now, though we have a slight edge. See the problems we may face should we start a war?
- A conventional war will last for days (rememember Kargil, that was a trailer, this will be movie) & pressure from the world (read U.S.) will force us to call it off. - Nuclear war is not an option, we stand to lose too much. Even if Pakistan is exterminated, what is the guarantee that another Pakistan won't be created. - Our army is busy fighting internal wars in Kashmir and elsewhere.
- We are nation of cowards and corrupt people (such a nation cannot fight)
- We always expect somebody else to do the job
- As far as politicians are concerned, we need people like Gandhi, Bose & Sardar, who irrespective of their idealogies, had the nation's welfare at heart & who sacrificed everything for the nation.
Even though I am young, I come from a family of freedom fighters and know the sacrifices they & their family have to make. If you care for India, join the army or do something for the nation & then write mail or badmouth great leaders like Gandhi.
Mon Sep 30 17:18:25 2002
Your Views:I think all our political leaders must show the foresight in dealing with terror in the coutry. I think this is a time to show to world we had kada in our hand.....
Mon Sep 30 17:18:27 2002
Your Views:Let us not insult all our brave
countrymen who are striving so hard to save our country by indulging in this constant self-flagellation. This discussion in-fact is quite irrelevant.
We have to be patient and with our limited resources should not strive to react in the manner the USA or Israel do. We have to set our goals clearly and strive to achieve them. Not self-flagellation but only a disciplined approach to solve our problems is the answer.
Mon Sep 30 17:18:59 2002
Your Views:We are soft.
We are not Isreal. AtalBihari is an old man!
Do we miss someone like Indira Gandhi?
Mon Sep 30 17:21:47 2002
Your Views:No! how can we be a bunch of losers ??We have enough guts to blaim our politicians for all the tragedies afflicting us and when the next election comes elect them to the same post so that once again we can put up a brave face and blame them for all the tragedies afflicting us.
We cannot be brave by being anti-muslim or anti-pak.Bravery should not be comsidered a relative term.
Mon Sep 30 17:24:33 2002
Name:Abdul Aleem Faroqui
Your Views:Being one of the largest Defence force in the world also technically sound country, we are being attacked every now and then. Our Soldiers were slaughtered like dogs by Bangladeshi's, Our parliament was attacked, Kashmir is always in terror. After all what the hell Government is doing? Always our prime minister only talks never does anything.Whenever we are attacked ministers are in the picture just as formality to speak. Why we are not taking hard line.We should retaliate at the same moment.Destroy the terrorist activities even in the POK. Our Army is targeted all the time by terrorists.Why we should wait for them to attack and then take actions.Better retaliate right now attack the terrorist grounds. Once we carry Air Raids with carpet bombing, Our enimies will come to know that "This is Indian attack" May be it will be possible when we get a prime minister like Mr Saddam Hussain who is a dreaded legend
Mon Sep 30 17:25:03 2002
Name:Anurag Banerjee
Your Views:Look instead of venting anger towards our Govt, we sholuld all try to do do someting about it. To start with we can boycott Pakistani run grocery shops and buy everything form Indian run shops. These Pakistani establishment sends a lot of money back funding madrassas which produces the terrorists. Cut of the funding, if we all do our bit, we could hurt the pakistanis where it hurts.
Mon Sep 30 17:27:09 2002
Name:sumit vohra
Your Views:Yes we are the country which has been a soft target for past 15 years.Take example of USA and what have they done to Afghanistan
Same way India should act and should destroy Pakistan and capture whole of Pakistan without any nuclear fer becos if they will use nuclear weapons they themselves will be finished.
so india act and not just wait
Mon Sep 30 17:28:23 2002
Your Views:Cowards die many a times before death!
Mon Sep 30 17:30:31 2002
Your Views:We are certainly not losers and also not coward as a nation, but our politicians are not strong.
The opposition and also the party in power should speak the same language when it comes to Nations integrity, but that doesnt happen in India, they are more worried about there own selfish goals and powers.
Mon Sep 30 17:31:05 2002
Your Views:these politicians why the hell they just react with words and calm down take aggressive action before it is too late the attack on akshardham temple is beyond tolerance
Mon Sep 30 17:31:16 2002
Name:Ravi Saboo
Your Views:We as a nation are not only a bunch of losers and cowards but are extremely corrupt. What ever be the state of the nation, all the people and that includes the politicians, are just concerned about making there lives better by any means. This very nature of us Indians has resulted in the sorry state of affairs in every front. Corruption is so deeply engraved in our veins that every one of us, when ever he finds an avenue does resort to illegal means. Indians only work efficiently and without corruption when he is scared of the "Danda". Indians abroad have made a name for themselves not only because they are intelligent and hardworking but because they have nowhere to go incase they are thrown out, and this fear of loss of job makes them to work hard and hence the riches. Indians will have to do some introspection themselves. Leaders need to lead from the top. There should be harsh punishment for corruption and this needs to implemented everywhere. The courts should be FAIR and fast. If the Courts are Fair and fast in delivering judgements then no one would dare commit crime and indulge in corruption.
So the solution for the nation is fair, free and fast courts.
Mon Sep 30 17:34:11 2002
Name:sanjay sharma
Your Views:let me tell u...we were a soft sta..and even today we are...but this is a warning to other nations...make no mistake..the young generation is not soft...remember cricket..now most matches are won by young indian turks...we will imilarly f*** these pakis and chinese and thier tattoos...We are proud that Hindu, muslim, sikh and christian brothers of India are one and together we will one day not only kill our enemies but rule the wotld.. jai India ..jai Indian...
Mon Sep 30 17:34:12 2002
Name:Rajeev Bhalla
Your Views:We have the will to go to war , but the politician are busy filling there pokets, sitting on there fat ares and malking it bigger and blaming the ruling party. I have seen some programme on the star news, my god the politician will have to go to finishing school they do no have the curtesy to let any one put in a world . if this the way they behave on the tv , i wonder what it is like in the parlement. Get off the fat bum and do somethintg.
Mon Sep 30 17:35:12 2002
Your Views:Hi All,
I have read almost all of your comments, I completely agree with most of you (afterall I am also an Indian). So Rediff did you get something from this, stop printing news about laloo, mulayam, mayawati, etc. etc. Dont give them publicity, dont make such leaders so popular that they forget that without z category security they too are like us. I repeat the same number of times, as in the other mails, finish off Pakistan.
Mon Sep 30 17:35:26 2002
Your Views:No, we are not a soft state. We are simply a stupid state. And judging from all the stupid messages over here, we have only ourselves to blame. India should get rid of its obsession with Pakistan and focus on our economy. The Kashmir issue is used by our corrupt politicians to get our focus out of the real problems we have like poverty. And stupid Indians fall for it. wake up you morons. The world doesn't give a shit about India simply because we are so poor and we don't want to do aything about it. Look at China - they were so poor, but now they are slowly becoming a world superpower. Why? Not because they are always talking about attacking Taiwan. But because they are working on their economy real hard. India can do the same. We are as smart as the Chinese. But then why is our economic growth so low compared to theirs? All those people who are saying Vajpayee should act like Bush are retards. Bush is going to war with everyone, but look at what is happening with their economy right now. It's down in the dumps. USA had the best economic growth during Clinton presidency, and that's because he was focussed on the economy and not on stupid wars. India should do the same.
Mon Sep 30 17:37:11 2002
Your Views:I think that we have created an impression that we r a very soft state and this is all done by the Indian governement. The same people who r now in govt. promise something else and deliver something else. I think that we have to make 2 yrs military service compulsary for each person. That will make every one very possessive about our nation. We should hand over the reins of the government to some really able person like Mr. Padmanabhan, Cheif of Army. The current govt should instead of just getting support from the entire world on Kashmir should retaliate like waht america did on Afganistan.
Are we not able enough to attack pakistan.
Just finish off pakistan. remove pakistan from the world map.
Mon Sep 30 17:37:16 2002
Name:Piyush Shukla
Your Views:
Yes we are soft hearted but we are not coward it makes no sense calling our patience as cowardness many a times that has been proved that we are not cowards.We are loosers beacuse of our own policies and systems we should get agree on one thing that our politicians are of no use to the nation they are constraint to there personal interests rather than countries interests.wanna write more but the this topic is endless debating.
Mon Sep 30 17:38:13 2002
Name:Murtaza Ali
Your Views:If Pakistan wants only fight with us...then..let us Attack to them...
"Dekhna Hai Zor Kitna Bazu-e-Qatil Me Hai..."
Mon Sep 30 17:39:55 2002
Name:Prabhakar Lal
Your Views:Yes we are soft targets for terrorist to strike but this doesn't mean that we are a bunch of loosers and a nation of cowards.Only thing we have missing is we do not have a clearly formulated strategy to combat terrorism. We are pro-active only on the paper but mainly we are reactive in nature. Whenever they strike we talk how to combat them. Even this message board which you are running is a symbol of our reactionary nature.
There is some flaw in our reactionary nature too.. we are not as reactive as USA is. The example is when terrorists attack WTC. Cannot we attack on the same fashion? Here we have some constraints - our enemy is not as weak as American's enemy in case of WTC. That's all for now.
Mon Sep 30 17:41:27 2002
Name:shashi kanth
Your Views:Shame to this country and its people (including me). One should learn from Israel and US. How US reacted to WTC incident and how our leaders reacted to Aksharadhama Incident. Different lies in leadership and also with people. We should learn leasson from other countries.
Mon Sep 30 17:41:51 2002
Your Views:Yes, India is becoming a soft state just to preserve its delicate economy and other strategic considerations.
But this time atleast Indian government should act with a firm hand and instill the fear in the minds of terrorists. Probably we need to do what K.P.S.Gill did to Punjab. No inquiries, no court activities , no bail proveedings to terrorists. Only encounter deaths. But to facilitate this we need to ban the so called 'Human Rights NGOs' to make them shut up and mind their business.
Mon Sep 30 17:42:04 2002
Your Views:Vajpayee and Advani doesn't have the balls to stick it up and confront Pakistan, this community was under occupation for centuries, how can anyone think that they will have balls to take Pakistan?
Mon Sep 30 17:42:15 2002
Your Views:Soft...thats laughable...we r totally pathetic....no spine at all...terrorist attack happen...we mouth oohs and aahs, infact our leaders have perfected that, and then its back to everday life. See Israel...1 israeli killed means arafat's surrouded. I think we should do that...finish the menace once for all. I think I will be not wrong in saying that each one of us young Indians would love going to the border and participate if the need be.
Mon Sep 30 17:42:38 2002
Your Views:Soft Country...!!!!!!!!
Dont really know. But what stands between India and a decison to wage a full fledged Nuclear war with Pakistan is a super power called the United States of America. If anyone has seen this serial called "The Agency" in AXN Channel would agree with me. But I personally feel that India should shed its fear towards USA and show Pakistan where it really belongs. US economy at this point in time is in tatters and would not dare to turn its back against India because of its immense software dependency. So someone out there please think rationally and decide something. How long can innocent people keep on loosing there life. I can even imagine a small cut on my finger and people out in Kashmir get slaughtered like guinea pigs.......Gosh feels terrible
Mon Sep 30 17:43:45 2002
Your Views:I agree that India has always been a soft state and it is all because of the leaders we have had in our long history. I dont say that these leaders were not important for our country. But times have change and the response to different situations have to change. Why the hell do we need to ask questions from the countries throughout the world about what we should do when we could just go ahead and do it? Did US ask anyone before it started its war on Afghanistan? Does Israel ever ask anyone before it does anything. The only problem India has that it wants to make all the other countries happy and that is how they dictate our terms. India did survive when we were sanctioned by America because of the nuclear tests. But India survived and we can survive anything as long as we stay together as a country. Kill all those people who are trying to create a drift between the people of our own country. We were such a big country and look at us now. If we go like this, in some years from now, India will be divided in to 6-7 more countries. We need a strong leadership. Vajpayee is a smart man and he should think about this. Its the time to wake up as nation and finish them who want to finish us
Mon Sep 30 17:45:46 2002
Your Views:"India is a peaceful country a long back". Nowadays it is a place where all the terrorist - the bledy's and idiots (ISI paks) and other local dada's are torchuring the bharath matha in a worst manner. We have to the action like "Satham Hussain against these illegal activities"
Mon Sep 30 17:45:53 2002
Name:Sunil Agrawal
Your Views:How else can one explain a nation taking this kind of nonsense from a neighbouring state. Innocent people are losing their lives & livelihood everyday and all that our leaders are doing is indulging in f***all, worthless rhetoric. Infact its become a habit with our so-called "leaders". God save a nation from such "Leaders". The manner in which we have permitted the Americans to dictate terms to us, it appears we are letting them lead our lives. Are we not a nation mature enough to judge our own interests ? Has any of our "leaders" ever tried to analyse the fact that while these hypocrite white nations are advising (read ordering) us to exercise restraint they are planning an attack on another dictator lead nation ? What kind of a nationalist sentiment are our "leaders" projecting to the outside world ? Have we lost all respectability ? America raises such a hue and cry about ONE 9/11. Don't our "leaders" know how many such 9/11's our nation has faced in the last couple of decades. Don't they realise that these same people who are advising restraint are probably laughing behind our back for being foolish enough to even lend them an ear. "we are a very spineless nation" ?
Mon Sep 30 17:46:15 2002
Name:Nihal Paul
Your Views:But what if i post my comments here. Anything is going to change ?
Mon Sep 30 17:46:56 2002
Name:Harish Mayya
Your Views:If we become economically strong and more independent from developed nations for our basic needs, we automatically become stronger. For that we must stop fighting amongst ourselves and develop a strong patriotic society. Thats the long term solution to all our problems.
No we are not a bunch of losers or a nation of cowards. When the time comes every citizen irrespective of his religion and caste will stand up and face the challenge. We have done it before and we will do it once again. Lets not belittle ourselves.
Have you posted your views?