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'No. We're winners...and will be again'
Mon Sep 30 20:43:01 2002
Name:suresh mullapudi
Your Views:India is a soft state.There should be limit for testing our patience.India should act though and leave back traditional beliefs that makes our country weak.A strong central government with able and powerful leadership will solve all the problems india is facing.At this point of time our country is lacking able and strong leadership.
Mon Sep 30 20:45:44 2002
Your Views:Yes we are a nation of cowards but then it is not just our politicians to blame. A country gets the politicians it deserves. Has anyone of us ever decided to do something about the pitiable state of our politics. Has anyone tried to organize a mass movement against these same people whom everyone is spitting venom against. None, why, because all everyone wants is that someone else should do things for us. This collective psyche is reflected in the actions taken by our leaders too... The way out is for us to unite ourselves and make whatever sacrifices we can to make lives better for ourselves and future generations. I am seeing so many mails where people are so vociferous in criticizing. But if I suggest that we get together and do something about it I know no one will turn up. The day we change our attitude and learn that our actions can change the country and take efforts in that direction, we will have begun on the path to a great nation. Vande Mataram.
Mon Sep 30 21:54:20 2002
Your Views:No. We're winners and we'll be a great nation once again as we used to be in ancient times. We have to do two things.
Gradually bring our population down over the next many generations to about 3 to 5 crores or 3 to 5 per cent of what it is today. We must also clean up the language mess and replace all languages now operating in the country with a single new world-class national language of our own.
Mon Sep 30 21:32:59 2002
Name:Leila Purandare
Your Views:We should stop comparing ourselves with the losers across the border, who have achieved nothing for themselves. The more we compare ourselves with them, the more we become like them.
Mon Sep 30 20:46:10 2002
Your Views:Stupid country, stupid attitude, bunch of faggots running the country. Come slap us and we wont attack you back because we believe in Gandhism of not hitting back. We need civil war, throw the faggots out of office, attack and brutally kill every dickhead in Pakistan
Mon Sep 30 20:46:26 2002
Your Views:Dear Citizens of india,well al these comments which are written here are read by the government authority or any party ,this will be another webpage of no use .Instead of writing here come outside of this internet and stand outside united and then see the changes we can make rather writing stories ,now the situation has changed " sword is mightier than pen"
Mon Sep 30 20:53:21 2002
Name:sanjiv dravid
Your Views:Yes we are a soft state .Indian politician just hide themselves behind the name of Mhatma Gandhi.This politicians from Congress,BJP,Janta Dal or any other party is not interested in the Nation but only fight for their sake.They are in a habbit of making great speeches but they cannot fight for a common man rights in jammu & kashmir and other parts were in a day light thousands are killed by terrorist.We dont belive in any of them they are all cowards.All are "chor chor mausare bhai".We really dont require them.We need somebody who could destroy the terriorist and instead of shouting peace peace could really restore a peaceful nation. Jai hind.
Mon Sep 30 20:54:46 2002
Your Views:Most of the people who joined this debate want a war. But the problem with us that we want prosperity in life. Are we really ready to sacrifice for our country ? During wartime prices will go up.. many people wil lose job .. that time most of us will criticise PM of taking this harsh step. Remember 'battle of onion' election in 1998.
The price of vegetables were high for just 3 months. That lead to heavy loss for BJP in Assembly elections. People forgot everything. We want war unless all our demands are fulfiiled. Can we really act like Pakis by ( like taking half meal a day and sacrifice everything for India during war? The attitude between two country's makes the difference.
Mon Sep 30 20:56:36 2002
Your Views:The issue is not about softness but about a will to fight. We are so corupt that we would even take a bribe to die. There is absolutely no patriotic fervour in the country. We know what and who the cause of religous extremism is. These handful of rogues can easily be taught a lesson. There is a strange nexus between them, the politicians, the cine stars and the police. To break this we ourselves have to initiate action. And the best way to do so is strike the roots of corruption and then terror. Its high time something be done now or else it will be too late. Stop the brain drain too. There has to be some way we successfully drive this great nation into the millenium.
Mon Sep 30 21:03:07 2002
Your Views:Has everyone mouthed their views? A/c to 90% of the people have told that we are a nation of cowards, we should not use the principle of Ahimsa. Ok let us accept what you say ? Go ahead fight with Pakistan, wipe that nation off... let us say that they not even use their nuclear weapon[assume that they don't have one]. Do you all think that terrorisim will stop, terrorisim will then be formed in full swing. we will have terrorist act everyday. If war and peace by force was the only way out, Israel should have got peace long time back, Did they get it... no and they will never get it. War or violence can and will never be a solution for any of the problem in this field. Instead of asking whether we are a bunch of losers, ask yourself how can this problem be solved ? Why do teenagers and youngsters ready to kill themselves ? when we are enjoying our life. what drives those people to death ? And how can we stop it. Ask our leaders what are they doing to stop this unnecessary and merciless killings, but our ministers have only one answer "This was done by our neighbouring state and we are going to give them a strong reply." Think. " How do we stop this, not by war, but by peace? "
Mon Sep 30 21:07:39 2002
Your Views:Yes India is definitely a soft target. in fact she is gradually becoming a joke to the international community. There is not a single country in the world who wouldn't take any direct action against a neighbour when the neighbour has caused as much harm as Pakistan did. The whole world knows that what India will do is blow hot a lot and act as if they are close to a war but eventually will do nothing. That's what the paki's are hedging onand doing what they are doing. Vajpayee is gradually turning into a mascot like figure. When he should be going to war, he is busy writing poetry. I am not suggesting that the Congress would do any better. What we need is a real leader who will not be scared to do the obvious. Again the foreign minister hs talked about any country having the right for a pre-emptive strike. But will India ever do it? If not why talk about it and give the wrong impression. The leadership of India is all talk, talk, and talk but has no balls to go to war. The leaders talk about Pakistan holding the world commuity hostage with nuclear weapon, the fact is it is not the world community but India. And they will continue to do so as long as they realize that India is soft.
Mon Sep 30 21:17:43 2002
Your Views:Not at all, see India is land that has a splendid culture combined with secularism. The method of acting in a rash manner by going on a war with pakistan will, in no way help us come out or solve our problem.What we need is politicians with no self interests, which we wont get.
The problem of terrorism in one way can be solved by increasing the internal security within the country rather than blamming pakistan for each and every harm that is being inflicted on us, ofcourse its a wide known fact that pak is responsible for all acts. What we should not do is act in a rage when some terrsorist attack is done. we have the power to attack a country, but are we prepared to receive the strikes from them, are we ready if there is a nuclear attack. how far our medical facilities are good interms of helping war ravaged areas. Again this doesnt mean that we are coward, everythin that we should do is in terms of long term interests of the country. we wont get anything by attacking pak, after som 3 or 6 days of war UN will interfere and coz a stalemate. So what we need is strategic planning and improvement in internal security to accomplish a selfsustained develeped India.
Mon Sep 30 21:33:58 2002
Name:Tauqueer Ahmad Siddiqui
Your Views:Definitely 'we are not a soft target', but we have been weakend by our present inept political leadership, which at all times is looking to remain in power either by hook or by crook, there by neglecting the intrests of the country. Their sole aim is destined to create rift between the different peace loving communities & spread hatred among them & then reap its fruits in the form of electoral gains, this particular motive, has time & again let us down in front of the world. Terrorism definetly needs to be wiped off,& violence of any form against the innocent civilians is a direct attack on a civilized society & is unbearable. But, terror cannot be fought the way we have been doing, we need to unite the nation first, lets forget whatever differences we have & put a united front to tackle the menance of terrorism. Our power hungry leaders will have to shed their lust & hunger for power & look beyond political power & adopt a more firm & aggressive attitude towards the problem. The integrity & nationalism of any person of any community should'nt be tested the way its done at present. Until & unless this happenes, its useless to repeat our resolve each day to fight terror to its end.
Mon Sep 30 21:43:43 2002
Your Views:Yes India is a soft state. India is an elephant that does not know its strength and is suseptible to bullying by all and sundry.The only option left for India is to strike forcefully at the terrorist bases in Pakistan and in the eventuality of retaliation, be prepared for full fledged war.But if war happens this time the outcome has to be destruction of Pakistans'military and to completely disarm it. Also to kill all Pakistani generals and senior army officers and completely destroy the entire fighting machine of Pakistan and leave Pakistan totally dismembered so that even in a million years it may not even think of doing any mischief .India would also have to occupy Pakistan for a short while to completely destroy the terroism infrastructure.And during such an occupation civilian casualties are to be ignored and termed as collatrel damage.Short of that war will be a waste of valuable resources. However before doing all that we have to first get rid of the old impotent buggers in power now._Jai Hind
Mon Sep 30 21:43:53 2002
Name:Ramesh Vellanki
Your Views:My father who is retired from the army has a funny hindi saying. "Hijdon ki desh ki aabaadi itni kaise baDh sakti hai?" In English, " How can a nation of eunuchs have such a huge population?".
Mon Sep 30 21:47:51 2002
Your Views:It is one thing to be a peaceful nation, another to use it as a shameless excuse to do nothing as thousands of people die. We didn't drive out the British with slogans and poetry. We had strong and decisive leaders who knew how and when to fight the mightiest powers in the world. Our nation has lost its identity, all we have is a flag, a song and a slogan.
Mon Sep 30 22:05:52 2002
Your Views:We are heading the Israel way in becoming victims of suicide bombers be it at the Parliament or at the temple.
Unfortunately unlike Israel our babudom is only interested in shooting verbal nukes as civilians become victims of bullets. What is the breaking point? It seems only when an unfortunate incident that will involve our politicians becoming a victim will we begin to show signs of action and move away from being a soft state. But our unsung heroes-the commandos, the jawans, the security guards are too good for this slip to happen.
When will we as a collective nation begin to solve a problem and not just understand (this email included) it? I hope you carry a section asking for "Solutions". I am at a loss of what is a possible solution that won't invovle more killings.
Mon Sep 30 22:09:30 2002
Your Views:Everyone knows the problems. How many out of us are willing to use our integrity, and passion for India, Patriotism and Truth to fight the system. Stand Up!! Y don't we lead our nation? Y r we not trying, sitting in our cushioned jobs, succumbing to everyday rigmaroles of life??
Its time the Youth of the nation rises and takes control from those destrying our future.
Mon Sep 30 22:23:01 2002
Your Views:Are you ? when we have Sunny Deol, Amitav bachhan, Akshay Kumar, Govinda so many of them. After seeing them in Hindi film I dont think we are soft.
Mon Sep 30 22:39:53 2002
Name:Saurabh Vats
Your Views:Lets keep our outraged sense of security, and juvenile urge to hurt those who are hurting us and think for a second.
The nation that we are all outraged about, what was it before the british? The soldiers, the "Hindu Kshatriyas" and the rest of them creamies, they fought against each other and didn't give a damn about the people. The 1857 revolt was
suppressed with the help of the gurkhas, and the Sikhs... So much for a "nation" which reacted with "firm violence" The "mahatma" was one of the rare few who realised the potential of a nation in a rabble of discordant kingdoms
that the subcontinent was before this century. He brought the POWER to the people for the first time since the pre-Alexander democracies. It is foolish to fight nuclear misslies with khadi, agreed, but we should stop trying to cover our cowardice by showing our false machismo and bravado in maligning the name of one the very few GOOD things that happened to this "nation". And no, we are not a soft state. period. No "nation" has achieved what we have in our 55 years of independence with our kind of odds. We are a giant that is stumbling, but stumbling forward. We have conquered much worse... jai hind
Mon Sep 30 22:57:23 2002
Name:Miral Shah
Your Views:Is there any doubt left regarding this? Hey, the people running this country are a bunch of shameless cowards. One after the other, our neighbors keep attacking us and take a part of wht is ours with them.. China, Pak and even a teeny weeny country like Bdesh who were depending on us to get their basic freedom rights, has the audicity to infitrate and kill 20 of our soldiers.. And wht did we do? Nothing, absolutely nothin.. And I am sure its just gonna continue like this cos all our leaders are only intersted in is holding on to their chairs.. lives of innnocent dont matter anythin to them.. And as long as we continue on this stupid gandhian philosophy of non-violence we will continue to bleed.. and the day is not far when we will dis-integrate like the former soviet union..
Mon Sep 30 23:01:20 2002
Name:True Solution
Your Views:Everyone thinks india is coward and have to act like Isreal. but what they forget inbetween is to understand what Isreal has acheived doing the so called "attack". Where they able to contain the death from the hands of the thugs?? It all we the people are responsible to this sutivation. we never take the pain of electing the right person by going to the polling booth. we never participate in even removing a small block in the road which causes harm and expect the govt dept to do. Let us get to the street, clean what we can, go to the election booth and pick the Mr.right and clean to handle our issues. if we do this certainly the terrorist are gonna to be no where in no time. Let us stop critizing the politicians (rather they r elected by us!!). Enough of Laloo's and jayalalithaas in the authoritative seat.
Mon Sep 30 23:05:13 2002
Your Views:right ,. we should kill the snake not the tail.
we indians should bomb the us of a now we india have the a bomb and missile president so now we should go for the kill pakis are small fry we should rule the world vande materem
Mon Sep 30 23:16:39 2002
Your Views:Yes we are . Guys dont blame Politicians . They are our products . Even i m ashamed when my family members voted for a corrupted person for a peet issue with a good Party local Secretary . We need accountability . If we are saying Enemy are involed in any attckes , when we presented to UN ? why we are garned any support ? Due to negligence and racisim of our culture . Our culture is best ? Still we have HIV Victims are second to Africa ( not USA) . We are fighting with stupid pistols against AK47 . We will remains same as we are born slaves for others .....
Mon Sep 30 23:22:35 2002
Your Views:India has been historically soft. When Europeans, the moghuls and the British invaded and ruled India, we never fought back. Now we think Mr. Vajpayee will fight? He will file another protest note at UN! Indians were not even informed for long, that Pak and China captured chunks of Kashmir! Are we destined to be like this, until, say, Shri Ram comes again to defend us? We are cursed with a group of dirty old corrupt long living politicians. India is converted from land of milk and honey to land of dirt and misery! There is no drinking water for millions even after 55 years of independence, while politicians made millions! Gandhi said to dissolve Congress party, instead Gandhi was killed and they are still expoliting the name!They die at 99 only, when another dirty old corrupt politician takes over. I am delighted by all these messages on these columns with such unanimous view. But what is required is action! I am against any kind of war, as the thousands getting killed really are not the culprits. Just get rid of the leaders! Concentrate on covert operations against Pak and other extremists; fight with them their own way; and change India so none has to be an NRI!
Mon Sep 30 23:25:51 2002
Name:Raj Mohanka
Your Views:Need to Apply Pressure on Politicians:
The one amazing thing about this plethora of opinions is that they are all in agreement! If everyone agrees that India is truly a soft state and that the politicians do not take strong action, the citizens must make that point clear to politicians. Any elected official is a reactionary - not a leader. The official does what makes his constituency happy and keeps him/her in power.
Ordinary Indian citizens must band together and approach their local and state politicians and express to them repeatedly that strong action must be taken, or else those politicians will be voted out of office. This is a message any politician will understand! ;-)
Politicians DO follow the people's desires. After all, when the people of India decided that 40 years of Congress in power was enough, they voted the BJP into power. Likewise, they can now demand that the BJP leadership listens to their concerns. If the ruling politicians do not listen to the public's concerns and they nevertheless cannot get voted out of power, then you do not have a real Democracy. India however IS a Democracy! TO DO: Apply constant pressure on the politicians
Mon Sep 30 23:27:23 2002
Your Views:Ours is one of the weakest state considering gdp/population/diversity. Our strongest streangth is righteousness and diplomacy. Any one can inflict damage easily at the same time even the strongest country respects us. Several factors have to be considered to go to war which can cause immense damage to the human/material/image of the country. But it might happen, I think time has not come for that yet.
Mon Sep 30 23:30:17 2002
Your Views:Yes. And Our country as a whole is proud of it. It's really sickening.
Mon Sep 30 23:50:01 2002
Your Views:No India is not a soft state. I respect the opinion of the people that are criticizing India here, but Vaj and co have the toughest job in the world. How to keep India growing, keep Paki terrorists out, and keep everyone else from killing each other. Winston Churchill said: "jaw-jaw is better than war-war." India is doing exactly the right thing by not letting things get out of control and waging a full war. Indians do not realize the tremendous pressure Pakis are under. I'm giving them 3 more years, after which Pak will either re-join the civilized family of nations, or disintegrate into a squabbling quartet of states, each vying to be more fundy than the other.
The worst thing we can do at this point is play into the jihadi's hands by being extremists ourselves. Enough is enough. I support Najid Hussain.
Mon Sep 30 23:56:18 2002
Name:M. Vaishnav
Your Views:Rather than worring about a physical characteristics of the state (soft, medium or hard). Lets worry about how to integrate hindus and muslims. Hindus need to feel that majority muslims are as patriotic as "Indian" as Hindus at the same time Muslims need to feel that not all hindus are not fanatics and biased. As far as Pakistan is concerned! East and West Pakistan are like armpit hair. They stink and nothing can remove that stink, not even Arm and Hammer.
Tue Oct 1 00:17:55 2002
Your Views:As long as we keep electing eunuchs to rule India, the same fate will keep befalling us. It is time a radical like Balasaheb Thackeray (whatever his shortcomings) takes over and puts an end to this vote-bank hungry political landscape. When the blood of people of India boils at such incidents, it boggles my mind as to how the rulers can sleep peacufuly at night. At this rate, we will return back to the age when Ghazni invaded and plundered us at will. We need the thunderous roar of 'Hara Hara Mahadeo' to send a chill down our enemy's spine.
Tue Oct 1 00:20:29 2002
Your Views:India is not a nation of cowards but india is a looser because of the wrong policies of a bunch of jokers leading our nation. These politicians also play politics with the emotions of indians. They never try to correct the system and put India and Laws on the top. Its high time that we indians realize that India and its Laws are above all, Hindus or Muslims. Its should be firmly implemented without any bias and all these extremists,Hindus or Muslims, who preach hate among indians should be banned and brought to justice. If this is done once and for all it will send the right signal to the international community that India is no more a country governed by a bunch of jokers who put their political interests first, not the Motherland India first.
Tue Oct 1 00:39:38 2002
Name:Shashi Thakur
Your Views:India has never been a soft state. It has only been portrayed as a soft state. Look at the history of India. When ever there was attrocity or social misconduct carried out against Indians there was an uprising and that is the example which can be derived from King Puru to Maharana Pratap to Shivaj Maharaj to Savarkar to Bose to name some of the popular ones. There was always an action which was taken but that action was neither anticipated nor planned with little or no logistical support and most importantly an element of betrayal pan-handed by traitors. So the aggressiveness which croped up was crushed immediately and most of the event are not worth mentioning because it is marked as unsuccessful. See the tremendous support which India mustered during the Kargil War and that made the war swift and decisive. Today we are unmatched by our neighbouring countries in the fields of science and technology because of the bitter lessons we learned and there is a consolidation of feelings and emotions with the help of media (rediff.com is doing great job). Still what we lack is a response from the politician which has failed inspite of tremendous support inside the country. ASK WHY?
Tue Oct 1 01:24:37 2002
Name:rajesh chowdary valuri
Your Views:hahaha, nice topic and great views. we of all people on earth are talking about who is soft. yes we kill 2000 muslims in a span of 6 months and yes we are soft. we kill police officers in broad daylight as they opposed a local goonda and yes we are soft. we tease women on the streets , young girls in city buses and even rape teenage school going girls , yes we are soft. we kill women in the name dowry, yes we are soft. stop this non sense and do a honest soul searching. we r the cruelest people on the planet. and to add salt to the injuries we r coward. we show our cruelty only on the weaker sections. we ill treat people of lower castes in villages, rich families treat their maids like animals , people in power treat normal ones with utter cruelty.now tell me who is to blame. please understand that all these temple incidents and godra incidents are the result of decades long social injustice.dont even think that politicians are coward, they are too busy making fortunes for their next 10 generations. if you think the politicians are coward, just check them during elections when they show thier true colors. just ask them to show the same attitude while they deal with pakistan.
Tue Oct 1 01:30:21 2002
Your Views:yes we are soft state. all those old lazy guys in BJP or any other party if cannot react to the atrocities in the state or else where in the nation and against OUR nation should quit stay at home and tender their grandchildren. The people who minister the state should also minister their health. These old guys dont even have strength to walk properly and they come to rule the state. we have a pathetic democracy where in 70 yr old person is made PM or a CM and more over as soon as they get elected they have parties. after getting elected these guys do nothing but go to temples all over india. They cannot react properly either. There is a limit to patience. No where its said that be patient for the enemy will retreat by itself! They will plunder us and then retreat leaving us with deaths all over. Damn man cant these politicians see so many soldiers die daily what the hell are they doin about that. Why did these soldiers lay their lives for just to be patient. stupid old buggers of indian democracy get the hell up. dont keep ur eyes wide shut.
Tue Oct 1 01:47:02 2002
Your Views:What do you expect? A selfish people,divided on traditions,languages,local cultures and casts. The same history at the time of Prithviraj is being repeated over and over again. Why the foreign muslim maurauders,kill maime and plunder,Indians just wait and talk about peace.
Shame ... A nation that does not help itself can not survive. Like Iqbal haad said "Na samjho gay to Mitt jaoagey Ay Hindoosthan walo,
Tumhari daastan tak bhi naa hogi daastano mein"
Tue Oct 1 02:13:23 2002
Name:ateeq "attack"
Your Views:no to both!!! Jingoism that leads to wide-scale destruction, killing and mayhem is definitely not our cup of tea. We are strong in identity, very wise as a culture and thank God!!! not trigger-happy or self-hating as a nation. If going to war with Pakistan was an answer we would have done it a while ago....Gujarat needs folks who can forge bridges in a broken society and cohese together. We need to talk less and less of violence. The gujarati is a hard-working honest and cultured businessman and he/she will come through OK even with all this trauma
Tue Oct 1 02:13:56 2002
Your Views:I've seen all the comments from people that we are cowards well INDIANS include the ARMY, NAVY,AIR FORCE and NSG Commandos and how can everybody make a statement of no base. Please don't forget INDIA is the birthplace of Subhas Chandra Bose, Chatrapathi Shivaji, Bhagat Singh, Guru Gobind Singh, Chandra Sekhar Azad and also the birthplace for Goutham Buddha, Gandhi and a bunch of other non-voilence believers. Well this country is equally populated with warriors and non-warriors, but the power makes a difference wait and see the young blood which is full of frustration and anger will wipe out the evil forces in pakistan and bangladesh. these paki and bangladeshi beggars begged a piece of land from us and are fighting against us. If the Indians spit on them they will have major floods imagine if we pee on them. These beggars doen't have any shame it is the same old saying if we offer them blanket they will beg for shelter, a nature of a beggar. We are not coward, we are being patient as we were when britishers and moghuls invaded us but the history will not repeat and the Indian government has every reposibility to protect their citizens (ps remember your oath guys) MERA BHARAT MAHAAN
Tue Oct 1 02:41:09 2002
Your Views:We are not soft. I m pretty sure that our leaders are waiting for right opportunity. I hope that when crackers start going off in Iraq, our leaders would make a move. This way, we can achieve better results without drawing too much international attention or criticism.
Tue Oct 1 04:27:23 2002
Your Views:India is definiely a soft state when it comes to the life of an ordinary citizens.
When the kids of these politicians no matter from which party BJP OR CONG.are kidnapped
or held hostage, the whole nation gets especially the ministers get proactive and do
what ever is in their hands and shake up the whole parliament.But when it comes to the life of
an ordinary citizens,it becomes a chess for the politicians.I dont understand when these
politicians are going to consider a normal person as the citizen of the country except
when begging for votes.
Tue Oct 1 05:02:24 2002
Your Views:Who ever says that Gandhian ahimsa is pacifism and loser concept is a moron. I think we have had our fill of morons for the present times. Gandhi's genius produced the idea of waging a war without having to spend on weapons. He just demonstrated a concept a philosophy, he did not ask the morons to follow it everywhere. Now if our people can only blame dead geniuses and not the existing brain-dead, money/power hungry, visionless politicians, then I think there has been a major dip in the average IQ of our country. Those who believe in violence, well then wipe out these old,slimy politicians and let the new generation come to power. But the fact is, this call for violence will be met with a sly smile, and a tacit admission that that it cannot be done for those old cronies in power are too strong to be brought down. These attacks on akshardhams have never been a problem,the problem is the government not doing anything about the identity cards for all indians. The only cards indians ever got were the voter-id cards. Now that rests my case.
Tue Oct 1 05:15:40 2002
Your Views:We all are not cowards. It's the nation's politicians who are coward and biggest enimies of the state. While they put their and their party's interest before nation's, we will be bashed in our own country by the hand of terrorist. This is the high time that some concrete steps needs to be taken to uproot militancy and destroy those who are responsible for this shame, be it Politicians or militants.
Tue Oct 1 05:57:25 2002
Name:North American Indian
Your Views:The State represents the People historically our race is Peaceful and Civilized Yet we have placed many inhumane conditions on our own people;the state is trying to eradicate such conditions State governments are not all Bad if you have elected officials who are Nationalistic in there Vision of the country This nationalism is evident in the U.S. leaders and the American People Its evident in Pakistan and Islamic countries through the propaganda of Islam Indians have to become more nationalistic and Less Regional in there outlook I have noticed this in Indians from all over Bharat when they come here to North America, they seek out people from "their region in Bharat" to associate with. So you must change the way you view the country an attack in one part is an attack on all parts of the country If you believe in Peace? You must be willing to defend it !!! No your not a Nation of losers and cowards- this simply is not true Have faith in your selves PLEASE. Finally All religion is Man Made One Main Pillars of Hinduism is th e "Awareness of the Real" ie the awareness of reality This principle must be applied to all belief systems to determine if they are reality based
Tue Oct 1 05:59:49 2002
Your Views:Confused is what weare.Confused because we live in opposites.Asa nation we face alot of threats. economic, foreign, environmental, social etc.We need to be economically strong cos only then we can spend billions paying our army personnel and wage a war against our enemies.only then can we implement security for all citizens.But..we are not a capitalist nation.we have been a socialist nation so far.Foreign threats.The best wedo is to complain to bigger and more powerful nations.We should strike But we dont.We dont wage wars.Why?Because we have always believed in ahmisa and diplomacy for all this time.Opposites.Environmental threats are rampant in the nations.we face floods in the gangetic plane and fight over water down south.Opposites again.Social.We are supposed to be secular.Yet we have political parties catering to the needs of one particular religion.We are supposed to be secular and yet our constitution has different laws for different sects.Opposites. We have a huge amount of illiterates and yet we rank first when it comes to exporting educated people to other nations.Opposites.Weface these opposing idealogies everyday andyetdont see.Opposites.Weneedto search fora Unified vision
Tue Oct 1 06:14:16 2002
Your Views:I think we need to act more and talk less.But a thorough strategy both militarily and diplomatically is essential to guide our moves.We need to use the world media more effectively to show the world the scourge of terrorism in India.That will sensitise the world to our view point .Consequently ,we will be better supported in all our future moves against terrorism.
Tue Oct 1 06:18:14 2002
Name:som khanna
Your Views:There is no doubt that we are the softest state on this earth. The main cause is our bloody Hindu religion Mouse Worshippers). Our PM, Vajpayee is the weakest PM in Indian history, and I am ashamed of this party, BJP. Even Sonia Gandhi would have been much better PM of India. In fact, if we have a Sikh PM ( excluding Dr. Manmohan Singh, as he is too gentle) India would be able to solve its problems with Pakis and their sympthizers. In fact, it is due to the supreme sacifices of Shri Guru Gobind SinghJi and other Sikh Gurus that this bloody Hindu religeon was saved. Let us vote this Vajpayee out.
Tue Oct 1 06:47:16 2002
Your Views:I just want to say this one liner "Jo khud nahi chal sakta woh DESH ko kya chalaiga". Just because of people like him (PM) we are a soft state. Throw him out and bring some young guy as the leader of our great nation.
Tue Oct 1 07:14:09 2002
Your Views:India is not a soft state. We are not a hindu country or a muslim country or a christian one. We are a secular nation. We cannot act like Israel, not that what Israel does is all good in deed. Everyone wants something to be done, and me too, but removing Pakistan from the map is not going to help any bit. If people have faith in our ability to overrun an entire country in a military operation, why not place faith on ourselves, improve our relationships with people of other religions in our own country. If there is a government to blame, the easiest thing to do is to blame it. Why dont we see that the problem lies with us. Why do we get corrupted and swayed but radical fanatics who use religion as their tool to drive people crazy. If we all make up our mind and live in peace, then we can question the govt. to make sure it handles the intelligence divison well and keep law and order straight. And yes I agree that we are a bunch of losers (we have lost our faith in living as one in brotherhood and religious harmony - did u all forget the Unity in Diversity) and a nation of cowards (not brave enough to accept our own shortcomings, instead blame everyone else).
Jai Hind !
Tue Oct 1 07:35:01 2002
Your Views:I believe that we are more a nation of cowards. If you look at the happenings in Mumbai, Delhi Wherein, during the atrocities committed against women( the rape of a minor in a train in Mumbai, the rape of the women in a law college in Delhi in daylight) the public were just mute spectators and did not care to even intervene. This shows that the cowardly behaviour is rooted deeply in the common people. The politicians are no different and there is no point in blaming them as they are also the same people who were elected by the same cowardly peple. Only when the public begins to show some courage can you expect the poliicians to be more daring. It is like the politicians are the mirror of the public. So I dont believe anybody is going to do anything after the Temple attack by terrorists as we people are just a bunch of cowards.
Tue Oct 1 07:50:55 2002
Your Views:Unless and until we fight back and subdue the evil, the oppression of the truth by the evil will continue. We should leave no means untouched to stop this insance Islamic terrorism, be it by Pakistan or my a section of Indian Muslims. We should follow the path of France, Israel etc. to deal with these terrorists. The only way to deal with these people is to stop minority appeasement and treat everybody as equal. Does Mr. Vajpayee have any guts at all? Or is he hiding in embarrasment, afraid to act. .
Tue Oct 1 07:58:44 2002
Your Views:We, Indians, are cowards. We are ruled by a bunch of idiots for the last five decades. For an ordinary Indian, democracy means nothing. Because, the common man keeps losing his friends and relatives in these reckless acts of terrirosim without "Z" security. The rulers (the modern Kings and Princes of India) keep coming out with empty threats and warnings aimed at, god knows who. I think the time has come for all Indians to file something like a class suit against the State (government) for its failure to protect its citizens. Or, there should be a revolt to throw out these politicians and instal a statesman as the Prime Minister. With the BJP too letting us down, the Indians do not have any other option now. Sonia's Congress certainly is not a worthy option.
So, all Indians should take more responsibility upon themselves just as orphaned children and fight our own battle. May be, the judiciary is the last hope.
Tue Oct 1 08:00:01 2002
Your Views:u know wat..Indian citizens shd first elect any politician who has completed his/her Major in Political Science and shd elect the ones who pass it by merit and not by caste system or by money. Bring out strict population controls and not like the CM himself havin' 11 kids. Prob. lies in the roots. ppl shd unite n work.
Tue Oct 1 08:36:48 2002
Name:Shivanand Bellad
Your Views:Having read all these views/comments, no matter I agree 100 % with each of these, my concern is, would this anyways affect the Indian think tank. Is there any sensible person among our polticians who would consider Our views. I appeal to all of you and especially the journalist, do/write something to provoke a revolution and bring in the change. A revolution that will change the worlds views. A revolution to Wipe out every one, right from the corrupt offical to the anti social elements. What will we answer the next generation? Every time we lost lives... we called a "BANDH" and PM assured justice, c'on Are we fooling ourselves? Unless, donot expect anything to happen.
Act Now or you will never be abel to.
Tue Oct 1 08:59:56 2002
Your Views:Among all the people who speak about War, I doubt that there will be even 10% of them who will actually take a gun and go to the border. If you have any idea what war can do to your family, to your brothers, your sisters, your children, you would not preach it so easily. You have no idea what courage and intelligence it takes to resolve a problem through peaceful means. For tose who do not understand the true meaning of Peaceful resolution, all actions may seem cowardly. This does not mean that you try to please everyone and tolerate violence against you. And this does not mean that our India leaders are doing the right thing by waiting. We must as a ntion come together first. (Muslims, Christians, Hindus , Sikhs). We must stand together as one nation. That is our strength. No country, no terorist group, no religiously fanatical group will be able to fight us if we stand united. Kashmir will fight Pakistan to be part of us instead of against us if we achieved this. Our leaders must pursue peaceful resolutions honestly. Peace and Tolerance is the only real solution. It is the only solution at your own home, your work, your country and your life.
Tue Oct 1 09:29:41 2002
Name:cold revenge
Your Views:We are a soft state, if at all a state.
Doesnt the BJP know that the first dharma of a raja is "nyaya and danda"?One who doesnt do this is no raja at all. But we have no justice for our citizens(just see what the guys run over by Salman khan had to say) and no guts against our enemies. But immediate war might not help.It is better to have better weapons(our armed forces were starved for the last 10 years). It would have been even better if we had a defence industry.Remember that the USA came out of its great depression due to the second world war. Till then atleast police and courts can be improved so that we have a better chance of convicting terrorists than 2%( as it was under TADA).
Tue Oct 1 09:41:53 2002
Your Views:I dont think India is a soft state or people here are blind, but with the ongoings these day especially chief ministers like Narendra Modi, Laloo prasad ,Jayalalitha...people are no longer sure that whether their own government is lieing to them or not..it is quite a possibility, and a good deal at that, that our media is jeoparadized by corrupt governments and is providing us with wrong information as so called Govt. Of India (BJP & Co.)wants us to see. Thus Indians are confused, but certainly not whimps.
Tue Oct 1 09:47:42 2002
Your Views:I see a lot of postings here. that's a good sign. if any one is going to read my posting, i have a request. the only way we can crush the terrorism in india created by the bad people is, we need to be united. the unity can come from any level. from slum, or from internet. why not we form a group for all of us and post our views ? maybe one of the higher officials may have a look at our posting and something dramatic may happen. anyone who wishes to join the group or start one or have any better suggestions, please do email me. unity should be there within us to crush the terrorism. jai hind
Tue Oct 1 10:00:17 2002
Your Views:Soft State !! Any doubts about that. Anybody can come and attack our country. In fact u can take our land and gift it to a third nation too. Our honourable Home minister has a comprehensive list of registered terrorist organizations. Subsequent to every terrorist attack, he picks out a name from his magic bag. In fact he is so quick that minutes after the attack he can tell u who it was. Our defense minister has 1 million troops lined up at the border and infiltration is still on. The BJP govt has decided to observe Oct 1st as a day to awaken the indian people regarding terrorism. Is there any indian in the country who does not know what terrorism is ? Yes, we are waiting for the BJP govt to act. We are tired of hearing the leaders just speak ill of Pak and do nothing. We are tired of our leading ministers talking to the US and UK regarding terrorism in India. It is high time we act. Even a teeny weeny country like Bangladesh has the audicity to stand up against us. I believe that our country's face value needs a facial. We need to change our attitude, start acting strongly instead of just crying aloud. I hope our honourable ministers understand the need of the hour and act.
Tue Oct 1 10:48:31 2002
Name:vikas singhal
Your Views:I think it is more a matter whether we are internally strong rather then thinking about we are soft state. We should build our self so strong that we should be able to defend ourself internally from external forces.Rather thiking about attacking other contries .why not make our itnernal system so strong that no one can dare to do anything of that sort.
I will end with the quote ."It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence."
Mahatma Gandhi
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