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From: Indrajit Sinha <>
Date sent: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 22:48:12 -0500


Ms. Farzana Versey has the rather unfortunate propensity of writing (and criticizing) about everything American. I am afraid but her utter lack of knowledge and perspicacity about American society and how it treats its immigrants is quite transparent from her writings. It is somewhat laughable that this time she has chosen to attack the American education system and its Indian products ("Big Apple gone rotten"). Considering that American universities are arguably the best in the world and their education is often given free to meritorious Indian students, alongside a generous stipend, those critical of it in India are pretty much those who "missed the boat".

Ms. Versey seems to think that Indian-born U.S. residents have to be subservient in everyday life - I should like to point out the numerous Indian professors who are respected "heads of departments" in prestigious U.S. universities and, perhaps the best example of all, a brilliant Bengalee who now head the blue-chip McKinsey and Co. (which was once thought to be "lily-white").

Considering Ms. Versey has never set foot in America, I suggest that she write about happenings in India from now on.


Dr. I. Sinha

From: Mahesh Pondicherry <>
Date sent: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 18:48:33 -0800

Miscellanea/Farzana Versey

Big Apple gone rotten

The author makes sweeping generalizations, categorizing thousands of Indians - as diverse as India herself - in a narrow, negative, inaccurate and vindictive manner. There are certainly Indians who fit the authors description. However to condemn all is unjust.
M. Pondicherry
California, USA.

P.S. Samosas are to be eaten and enjoyed! I cannot understand why the author is cynical, at finding hands discreetly reaching for Samosas!!

From: Indrajit Sinha <>
Date sent: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 17:25:27 -0500

Patriot Missile


I would like to point out a glaring error in an article on Indian missile capabilities in the News section (dated Jan 7, 1997) which stated that the U.S. Patriot made "mincemeat" of the Iraqi Scuds during the Gulf War. It is now common knowledge in the U.S. (and has been mentioned during Congressional hearings) that the Patriot did not not perform well at all in bringing the Scuds down - in fact most of the Scuds disintegrated in the sky by themselves before landing on terra firma. Perhaps your news writer was not aware of this.


Dr. I. Sinha

From: bala k <>
Date sent: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 14:55:12 -0800

On Mani Iyer's Diatribe

So Mani Shankar Iyer reveals to us what a casteist he is. He takes generous exception to Finance Minister P. Chidambaram on the Indian Bank scam. He writes:

"Satish Agarwal, ex-minister of state for finance in the Janata Party told P Chidambaram Chettiar: This bank was originally set up by the Chettiar community who were your ancestors. Do not treat this bank as an ancestral bank of the TMC people!'"

There is no proof that Indian bank gave any loan to Chidambaram. But to string him along because he is a chettiar seems to be our "kudimi" fellow Mani Shankar Iyer's objective. When will you start writing about your fellow brahmins - ex CM Tamilnadu - Jayalalitha (swindled Rs 2000 crores), congress party ex-minister - Satish Sharma ( swindled Rs 1000 crores), and the all time great swindler congress party's Sukh Ram ( Rs 2000 crores). How about your congress party's "no-decision is a decision" Narasimha Rao. The fact remains that the biggest looter's in Indian politics are the brahmin fellows belonging to the congress party.

It is time Mani Shanker Iyer pulled himself up by his sacred thread and yanked on his tuft of hair on his head.

From: B. Ramesh <>
Date sent: Fri, 03 Jan 1997 21:05:52 +0900

To Rajiv Srinivasan

Dear. Mr. Srinivasan

Read your article in Rediff with interest. However, I have a few objections/clarifications to make/seek:

1. When comparing affirmative action in US and India, what you have conveniently forgotten is in US there is no dilution of requirements only assistance to the disadvantaged to compete; in India it is not so: if you are from disadvantaged class, your REQUIREMENTS to pass an exam or get a seat in professional course or a job or a promotion etc. gets REDUCED. This is the bane of the Indian reservation policy and it MAINTAINS the disadvantaged people at whatever level they are, in addition to increasing technical incompetence at all levels.

2. In India, affirmative action has been in practice for almost 50 years now. Has it worked? It is important to make this assessment PARTICULARLY because the people acted against are a MINORITY who can not protect themselves in a DEMOCRACY, based on sheer numbers and self-serving politicians. Eventho' they have no other country to go to, the governements both in states and the center keep increasing the reservations in the name of social injustice and increasing the hurdles to livelihood of these hapless people. India is much more populated than US. Therefore, there is a large competition for limited resources. In such a situation, is it correct to put the kind of hurdles to livelihood to a small section of people the way it has been done? Does it mean, the country is willing to sacrifice these people? Yes, there were social injustices in the past. But, is this the way to remove it? Onething to remember is that "one can't keep feeding another with fish; best alternative is to teach him to fish". But, keeping the people as they are suit the politicians. they never want their lot to be improved - Mandal Messaiah inclusive. That's why there is no time limits for these sorts of things!

If you feel differently, pl. let me know.


From: Nishith T Shah <>
Date sent: Thu, 02 Jan 1997 00:21:26 -0500

Good article on Gujarat!


Good article on Gujarat. Gujjus will like more and more news from Ahmedabad and Gujarat.

I love reddif and is my favourite site.


From: Paddy Padmanabhan <>
Date sent: Thu, 02 Jan 1997 13:26:02 +1000

Lt Gen Brar's view


The views expressed by the General are on the mark. It is time that the government removes the alienation.As compared to rest of the country the northeast receives little or no attention. It is time that the prime ministerensures tha the promised allocation of 7100 crores for the development of the area is is implemented without delay.

From: Tank Jitesh <>
Date sent: Wed, 01 Jan 1997 17:46:54 -0600

List of all Seshan, Vajpayee, Verma, and Chidambaram admirers


I am a student at the University of Minnesota. I belong to the class of students who has still the hope of India making it to the list of top nations in the world, especially in the economic arena.

I would like to obtain a list of all people ( names and emai addresses) who voted for Seshan, Chidambaram, Verma and Vajpayee.

Reasons for this.

1) Want to form a group with people who share the same ideas as I do.
2) Organize and see how we can contribute to the achievement of the goal mentioned above.
3) Proper enforcement of law and order ( Seshan & Verma)
4) The right economist ( Chidambaram)
5) The perfect PM ( vajpayee)

I would really appreciate it if you could this for me and also this could reduce my trouble if you already have the list sorted for all the above nominations.


Jitesh TANK.

From: Sridhar Tiruchendurai <>
Date sent: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 16:47:32 -0600

Ambareesh on conversion

As long as the strength of a religion is measured in terms of the number of people, we will continue to see the downfall of religions. By converting a tribal to Christianity or Islam, nobody ensures equal rights or respect for the converted person. Well, the person might be richer by a few thousands and would probably have a new name. The inherent differences hardly disappear.

I had seen a particular community in Tamil Nadu, choose a bride in the same community (caste) though the religions may be different. The locality is strongly Catholic. Still, the caste differences exist.

These conversions are no better actions than the renaming of cities. What difference does it make to call an under-privilaged, disrespected Vithoba as Victor ?

- Sridhar

"To postpone is the height of hypocrisy."
"To postpone is yet another trick of the mind for it's continued security."
"To postpone is to be denied of freedom forever and forever."

- Kalki, the personal God for every human.

From: Sridhar Tiruchendurai <>
Date sent: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 16:35:34 -0600

Will the Congress please bring down the UF government.

Rajiv Gandhi once said about national front as "National Affront". Now only the first name of the ruling coalition has changed keeping its family name in-tact.

We had seen lack of coherence in the railway and I&B and the finance ministry. A person of P.Chidmabram's caliber can be a failure only with the government like the current one. We are seeing rising separatist movements in Assam and Tamil Nadu. The terrorist activities have started springing up once again here and there. The PM who is yet to see an AM, gives promises wherever he goes, only to leave the FM in a FM (fiscal mess).

It is high time the Congress brings the government down now. If it does not happen now, India would be put back by 6 years, leaving the next government start afresh the economic reforms once again.

- Sridhar

From: Subrato Sensharma <SSENSHARMA@IMF.ORG>
Date sent: Tue, 31 Dec 1996 11:29:33 -0500

Ambersih K Diwanji - conversion and state

Excellent reading. So much covered in so less space and explicit analysis.

One wonders if we could have an article from him on the future of indian state-formation and the economic prospects vis-a-vis regional competetion.


Subrato Sensharma

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