NCW Chairperson Girija Vyas will lead the three-member team which will visit Mumbai on Friday. Besides speaking to the woman, the team will also talk to the police and state administration to assess the protection given to the victim.
"This is a high profile case. The victim is in shock. We will see what kind of protection has been provided to her and the rehabilitation measures," Vyas told PTI. "Till now, her statement has not been taken by anybody. We will take her statement about the incident."
On Thursday, Shiney was remanded to judicial custody till July 2 by a court in Mumbai.
Vyas said the Commission has prepared a Bill for the protection of women against sexual harassment at the workplace which will also include domestic help.
"We have prepared the Bill and sent it to the government. Once it is passed, the domestic helps will be covered under it and they will get protection," she said.
The Bill will specify the rehabilitation and protection measures for the victim of sexual harassment. The NCW had sent another committee to inquire into the recent alleged gang rape of a 17-year-old student in a moving car in Surat.